Study Date (Akaashi Keiji x Reader)

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"Hey Y/N, have you seen my-" Bokuto froze, seeing his best friend sitting with his sister, shoulder to shoulder, an algebra book at their feet, on Y/N's bed, exercise books on their laps.

"Kou, I washed your knee pads for you, they're drying, I'll put them in your bag before volleyball." Bokuto narrowed his eyes, both at the fact that she could read him without looking at him and the fact that his best friend was THAT close to his younger sister.

"Why is Akaashi he-"

"Keiji is here to help me study for finals." Y/N cut him off quickly and shortly, writing down the answer to an question that almost had her stumped.

"You could've just-" Bokuto began angrily,  before she cut him off for a second time.

"Koutarou!" She hissed, glaring at him, he stumbled back. Akaashi's eyes widened in surprise. She had never used that tone before, and it scared both Akaashi and Bokuto. Y/N stood up, crossing her arms, "I have exams in a week, I do NOT need you complaining about your knee pads, or why Keiji is here. Please just leave me to study." Bokuto clenched his teeth and stormed out and downstairs.

Y/N's bold glare quickly faltered when her brother left. She groaned in frustration and flung herself onto the bed, resting her head on Akaashi's lap. "I'm a horrible sister.."

Akaashi absentmindedly ran his fingers through his girlfriend's soft hair, his hand gently caressing her cheek. He was used to her mood swings, they were just like  ike her brother's.

"No, you aren't. Bokuto-San's just a stubborn child." Akaashi chuckled, pulling her up into a hug. He pecked her cheek, but she still had a sad look on her face. He brought his hands up slowly and pressed his fingers into her sides, tickling her.

"K-Keiji stop! I-It tickles!" She giggled, the couple laughed as they tumbled off the bed and onto the floor, Akaashi essentially pinning her to the floor. Their laughing became quiet, realising how close the two were. Akaashi's eyes flickered down to Y/N's lips, before capturing them in a sweet kiss. They pulled away, faces red, Keiji still straddling her, a few seconds later the door opened.

"Y-Y/N? I brought you some te- HOLY MOTHER OF-!" Bokuto practically screamed at the top of his lungs, slapping a hand over his eyes. "I-I AM SO SORRY!" He wailed, sprinting back downstairs, leaving the tea at the door. Y/N's eyebrow twitched in annoyance. Akaashi stood up silently and went into the hallway.

"At least we're not still virgins in university!" He screeched down the stairs, calmly walking back into the room and locking the door. You could hear Bokuto screaming angrily and hooting.

"Tell my family I love them."

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