Cry (Hanamaki x Reader)

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Hanamaki had never seen Y/N cry in his life. She was strong. Oikawa claims he saw her cry once, and it was horrible. Oikawa said that it was like seeing a puppy get drop kicked. But, Y/N was like Matsukawa, laid back, chill. But then when it was game time, she was serious as hell, like Oikawa. He was glad they were dating.

His girlfriend's team had reached Nationals, and he and Matsukawa went to watch, and cheer their hearts out. Y/N was the Libero of the team, and Hanamaki could see her breaking down, when her serve was out of bounds by a centimetre, her eyes narrowed, and she fell silent.

"I'm sorry."

The ball was so close. They had almost won. Y/N dove across the ground, along with her captain and setter, but they didn't get the ball up in time. Y/N's body slammed against the floor, shoulder first, heavily.

"Y/N!" Hanamaki shouted, using his hands as a megaphone before making a break for the stairs to get downstairs. By the time he got down there, Y/N was sitting, head down, still on the court. The other team's libero was helping prop her up, while Seijou's ace was prepping an ice pack. Y/N's arm was hanging limp.

"It's fine, honestly. It's just a dislocated shoulder*." She muttered, gently popping it back into where it was meant to be, and flexing her arm. She gave the ice pack to the libero who had helped her.

"You had a pretty bad fall earlier during the third set, put this on your knee." Y/N gave her a ghost of a smile, "Thanks for your help. And congratulations." Y/N made to leave, but ran straight into Hanamaki, and froze.

"M-Makki!" She gasped in surprise. "I'll be back in ten minutes, I need to, uh, go to the bathroom!" She grabbed her bag and took off, leaving Hanamaki in shock.

"Hanamaki-Kun, could you go after L/N-Chan? I would but, as captain I've been instructed to stay here, as much as I want to go comfort her." The team's captain, Hiyori, asked Hanamaki softly, and he nodded, sprinting off.


Y/N pulled on her black long sleeve shirt and sighed, tears welling in her eyes. She left the changing rooms and got halfway down the corridor before breaking down into tears, pressing her back against the cold wall.

"Stupid Y/N." She mumbled to herself, "you fucking idiot, if you practiced more maybe you could've saved the fucking ball." She slammed her fist against the wall, sliding down it and bringing her knees up to her chest. She heard footsteps and paid them no attention. The footsteps reached the end of the corridor before stopping dead in their tracks.

"Y/N..?" Hanamaki whispered dumbfounded, his eyes wide. At the sound of her sobbing, his heart wrenched. Y/N angrily wiped the tears from her eyes, standing up. She crossed her arms over her chest.

"What? What do you want?" She snapped, her eyes shining with tears. "I know it was my fault. It was my fault we lost." She acknowledged, with a glare.

"DON'T YOU FUCKING SAY THAT EVER AGAIN Y/N!" Hanamaki roared, his fists clenched angrily, and Y/N actually jumped back, her eyes widened in utter shock. "DON'T YOU DARE PUT YOURSELF DOWN LIKE THAT!" He stormed over to her and pinned her against the wall. She shrank back, like a deer in headlights.

"You, are the best libero I know. It was not your fault. You're one of the top three liberos in the country for gods sake!" He praised her, and she looked away, pouting. He gently grabbed her chin and made her face him. A tear fell down her cheek, and Hanamaki wiped it away before it could fall. "Please don't put yourself down like that..It hurts." Hanamaki's voice cracked as he choked on his own words, tears of his own threatening to fall. Y/N sniffled, wrapping her arms around him and burying her face in his torso as the two cried. Hanamaki pressed a reassuring kiss to her forehead, before resting his chin on top of her head. He closed his eyes and they stayed like that for a while.


The bus home was filled with the girls talking about how much they enjoyed themselves. Y/N stayed silent.

'My job was to keep the ball in the air, but looks like I couldn't even do that.." She thought, looking out of the window. Her shoulder injury didn't fly without all the girls screaming and screeching and getting ice packs.

To be honest, she just wanted to get back to Takahiro, to cuddle up to him and cry. That's all.


*Y/N is highly nonchalant about dislocating her shoulder, for two reasons. One, she's a libero, injuries don't bother her much. And two, I don't know how painful it is to dislocate a shoulder or a knee, because I have JHS, or Joint Hypermobility Syndrome. It means my bones don't stay where they're meant to, for example, my hip dislocates whenever I move my left leg, and I can dislocate all my fingers and toes and my knees. It's like second nature. Idk rlly how bad it is??? So if y'all'd be screaming your asses off sorry, oops.

also, this was really rushed, I'm sorry, I'm trying to pump out a few updates

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