A/N ~ Introducing myself

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Hey, it's KFM here, and I just wanted to say, thanks to all of you so far who have been commenting and voting on all my stories, and even just reading!

To be completely honest, I told myself that I would do 15 chapters, and if I got a good response, I would continue.

After the first few oneshots, I didn't think I was getting very far, but currently we're at 788 reads and 67 votes, I think! Which is a lot better than I thought I was going to do.

So, the good news is I will be continuing writing these when I have time!

Time for a little introduction here~!

Hi everyone! My name is Ashlee, or Karasuno_Fight_Me. That's really all there is to say.

Don't forget to comment and vote if you want to see more!


My name isn't Ashlee (name shame 12-13 year old me) but Leah is fine.
I just thought I was being edgy lmao

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