Chapter 01. 'HEY CHERRY'.

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Charlotte's POV:

We moved into a new house a week ago, it isn't much far from our old one though.
Mom informed me that today will be my first day in my new school. Whatever, it really didn't matter that much as long as I got a bigger room and I think changing schools won't be that bad, I would like a new beginning.

I sat up on my new bed and checked my phone it's 7:45 a.m, I do still have time.

I took a quick shower and once I dried my hair, I'm now taking the hugest decision in a teenage girl life, I may sound like I'm exaggerating but if you're a girl you'll understand.
Maybe I'll go with a summer dress or jeans.

I ended up throwing clothes all over the room, but I'll clean once I return home.
I'm dressed in a black leggings that hugs my lower curve perfectly and a black top that have gray strips with a gray scarf and a white converse.
I'm not a huge fan of makeup, I put a good amount of mascara and a little lip gloss.

It tastes like cherry, what? I'm weird though.


I entered my new school, the whole school was staring at me like I'm the last piece on earth. I didn't mind it though, a little of attention is harmless.

Mom told me that there is a large music room in the school and that was the exciting part, I love to sing from ever since I remember, and mom bought me s guitar when I was about 12.

I have first period English Literature.
When I entered Mr.Aderson asked me a lot of questions like from where I came a lot of PRIVATE questions.
But he seem like he is in his last 30's but he is a nice guy, I guess.
He introduced me to the class "Charlotte Nelson".
"HEY CHERRY" a guy with blue ocean eyes and dark blonde hair greeted me with a childish tone, and it earns good amount of chuckles from the girls in class. Honestly, the guy is attractive. I catch a guy staring shamelessly at every curve of my body. He have black smooth hair even without touching it I know it's silky, and Carmel eyes that I can't stop staring at.

His eyes widen realization hits him, that I catch him staring at my body.

He turned back a start talking to the girl behind him. The girl starred at him with puppy eyes as if she was waiting all her life to see this moment.

"You can have a seat Mrs.Nelson" I hate being called with this name.

I nodded, and reach for the last available seat next to the blonde boy who just greeted me, and on the right it was a sweet girl who keeps on giving me smiles which I return.

She have a dark brown hair and light brown eyes. " I'm Molly."
She said after everyone took their eyes off me. Honestly I've never been the new girl, but it seem.......strange? Yeah that's the word.
"Nice to meet you Molly, I'm Charlotte. Call me Chloe." I respond.
I think people in this school aren't rude like I've imagined.
'Chloe it's been only 5 minutes in this school, don't get your hopes up.' My mind told me.

The blonde boy took me from my thoughts by moving his chair closer to mine and he press his elbow on my thigh "I'm Louis, nice to meet you too".
He said with a smirk on his face. I chuckled at his action.
"I know, I know, I'm handsome, smart, hot, funny, attra-" he was cut off by Mr.Aderson,
"And if you won't stop, you will add suspended to the list, Tomlinson."

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