Chapter 1 ~ The First Day Back

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Haruhi's POV

Music room number three was empty, I was evidently the first one here. I sat down at one of the many tables and waited for someone to get here. I didn't have to wait long. Soon enough, Tamaki opened the door. He saw me and ran over.

"How's my little girl?" He asked, ruffling my hair and engulfing me in a tight hug. Then the door opened once again, but it wasn't a host club member.

"I'm sorry, I'm looking for Haruhi Fujioka." The girl said, she had long blonde hair and purple eyes, black framed glasses were perched on her nose and she was wearing a black dress shirt with some of the buttons on the top undone to reveal a purple shirt.

"Evony?" I asked her, not believing it could be.

"Haruhi!" She exclaimed, I pushed Tamaki off of me and hugged Evony "Tamaki this is Evony Gorakien, my friend from middle school. Evony, this is Tamaki Suoh the host club king."

"It's nice to meet a friend of Haruhi, especially one as beautiful as you." Tamaki said, bowing and giving her a rose he just happened to magically have.

"Wow, your dad wasn't kidding." She remarked, taking the rose from Tamaki.

"You've talked to my dad?" I asked in astonishment, not having any knowledge of this.

"Not really, just bumped into him on my way here." She replied with a shrug, Tamaki getting ignored.

"Hey everyone!" Hikaru greeted as he and Kaoru entered the room. "Wow, who's this?"

"I don't know brother, but she sure is beautiful." Kaoru replied, causing a blush to rise in Evony's cheeks. The twins smirked at each other.

"Guys this is Evony Gorakien, my old friend. And Evony, this is Hikaru Hitachiin and Kaoru Hitachiin." I introduced, pointing at the two twins and Evony in turn. "And that's Honey-Senpai, Mori-Senpai, and Kyoya-Senpai. This is Evony."

"Nice to meet you guys." Evony said with a laugh, "I'm an old friend of Haruhi's." They all greeted her, and talked, we caught up and I warned her about the guys, told her the ups and downs of each of them. The door opened and a bunch of excited girls came in.

"Ah, ladies, welcome. Come and sit, we have been expecting you." Tamaki greeted. The girls squealed and almost tackled him.

"Ladies, please, order yourselves for what hosts you want, and please no arguing." Kyoya said, stepping in.

Evony then leaned in and whispered in my ear, "So why are you the only girl host?"

"It's a long story, but just call me a guy okay?" I answered, she looked confused but nodded anyway.

A Wild Time Skip Has Appeared!

The Host Club was now closed for the time being, much to Kyoya's disinterest, and we were talking, well most of us were... Mori doesn't speak much.

"So are you really an old friend of Haru-Chan's?" Honey asked Evony.

She nods, "Yeah, it's been a while, but she was the first friend I made when I moved here." She says.

"Moved? From where?" The twins ask in sync.

"France, my father and I moved here after some.... disagreements with my mother." She replied.

"France? Tama-Chan isn't that where you lived before too?" Honey asks.

"Oui, common ca va, mon cherie?" Tamaki asks in french.

"Ca va bien, merci, et toi?" Evony answers and asks.

"Ca va bien, merci, mon belle." He answers.

Honey has a confused look on his face, eyes darting from Evony's to Tamaki's faces. I hear the door open and close, and a familiar female voice shout; "I brought you cake Honey!" Makoto said walking in with a cake box.

"Mako-Chaaaan!" Honey yelled, taking the cake box. Evony looks at me and raises an eyebrow.

"Who's this?" Makoto asked cheerily, smiling at Evony.

"Makoto, this is Evony, Evony, this is Makoto." I introduced.

"Hi! It's great to meet you!" Makoto says smiling.

The twins snort, "Word of advice, don't try for Mori, that's a playing field only Makoto plays in." Hikaru said, smirking. Makoto then slapped his arm, "Ow!"

"Huh?" Evony asks confused.

"Makoto and Mori are dating, Morkoto for life." Kaoru says, earning himself a slap from Makoto.

"Brother are you hurt?" Hikaru asked lovingly, touching his cheek where Makoto had slapped him.

"I'm fine, brother. It's just a silly hit." Kaoru replied.

"Anyway, you guys seen Naomi anywhere?" I asked casually, cutting the brotherly love short.

"Now that you mention it, no." Hikaru replied, sitting back in his chair.

"We haven't seen her all day." Kaoru finished.

"Who's Naomi?" Evony asked us all, clearly confused.

"Naomi Murai, she's a friend of ours." I told her she nodded to show she understood. "I think I'll call her." And I did, everyone seemed to be watching me, it made me slightly uncomfortable, so I put it on speaker so they could all hear.

"Hello?" Naomi replied through the phone.

"Hey, Naomi, it's the host club." Kaoru said for us.

"Oh hey everyone." She replied, "Bet you're wondering where I am, huh?"

"Yeah, we are." Tamaki confirmed.

"Well, as you know, I went to England for the last month of summer, well my flight got delayed due to rain." She explained, "My Dad was furious, but there was nothing he could do."

"So, do you know when you'll be back?" Kyoya asked.

"Tomorrow, the rain's gone now." She replied. We caught up, and Evony looked very confused the whole time. But, at least she's here.

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