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Kaoru's POV

"Karou, be careful up there!" Hikaru called from below me.

"Don't worry, Hikaru, I'll be down with the ball in no time." I yelled back. I stretched out my hand to grasp around the small ball. I got it but I started to get unbalanced. My foot slipped and I fell, the wind rushing past my ears. As an impulse I stuck out my hand, but it just crumpled under me and started hurting like hell the minute I minute ground.

"Karou!" Hikaru exclaimed, running towards me as I lay in pain. The rest of the members crowded closer and I saw concern on all of their faces. Even Naomi. Naomi's concerned.

"It hurts, Hikaru." I moaned, turning my attention back to my twin brother who was looking the most concerned.

"Come on guys, help me get him on his feet!" Hikaru ordered, grabbing my uninjured arm. Makoto grabbed it too and they hauled me to my feet. My legs hurt a lot and was making it impossible for me to walk without limping. Hikaru wrapped one of my arms around his neck and helped me.

"Come on, let's get you to the doctor." He said. I nodded and I limped into the school. We quickly found a doctor. We went in and the doctor examined my arm, I didn't look at it, fearing the worst

"You have quite the injury there, Mr. Hitachiin. I'm afraid I'm going to have to put you're arm in a cast. You've fractured your wrist." The doctor said sadly, rolling my sleeve back down over my arm.

"How long will the cast be on for?" I asked hesitantly, afraid of the answer I might get.

"Three to six weeks." He replied. "I'll put it on now and in three weeks I'll check it."


Naomi's POV

We were all waiting outside for Hikaru to tell us the news. "I feel so bad for Karou..." Makoto said, holding Mori's hand and looking at the ground.

"Kyo-Chan? How bad did his arm look?" Honey asked, fear in his eyes.

"From what I could see, he looks like he had fractured his wrist." Kyoya answered, he had his little book out and was doing God knows what.

I gasped, "fracturing is worse than breaking, right?" I asked.

"Unfortunately, yes. But it could help the host club. Kyoya answered, pulling out a calculator and punching in some numbers.

"Crap! I'm sorry I've gotta head to calculus, I'm gonna be late!" Makoto said, standing on her tippy-toes to kiss Mori's cheek, then waving to everyone."Tell me how everything goes!" She starting running to class.

Time Skip brought to you by: Nekozawa secretly being hot!

Honey's POV

We were sitting in the host club room, waiting for Karou and Hikaru to come back. It's only Tama-Chan, Kyo-Chan, Haru-Chan, Takashi, and I in music room 3. Mako-Chan said she'll be here as soon as possible, and Nao-Chan left for 'something important she has to do'.

The door opens and, I look up, only to see 3 girls from my and Takashi's class. They whisper to each other for a second.

"I'm sorry, the host club is closed, there was an accident with one of our members this morning." Kyo-Chan says, not looking up from his laptop.

"Oh, we don't want to be a bother, Hana here just needs to talk to Mori." One of them say, I see Nao-Chan walk in, but she remains silent and stays at the door.

The one named Hana gets pushed towards Takashi, but regains her balance and strides the rest of the way. I hear Takashi let out a small "Hm?" Before Hana grabbed his collar, and kissed him.


I hear everyone gasp, and not before long, Hana pulls away smirking. She turns around and flicks her hand, the other 2 girls following her out, giggling. 

Even Kyo-Chan looks shocked, and that's something. Haru-Chan looks tense. Nao-Chan is still by the door, but she's just looking at the door, mouth hanging open. Tama-Chan looks worried, and so does Takashi.

"Wow, a graveyard is louder than this!" Mako-Chan says as she walks in. All eyes land on her. "What? Did I say something?" She walked in and ruffled my hair, then gave Takashi kiss on the cheek.

"No. Not at all." Nao-Chan says, giving all of us a look saying; 'Don't tell her, it'll break her heart.'

"Yeah! I was just going to ask Haru-Chan what kind of fancy tuna she'd like for the party!" I lied.

"Party?" Mako-Chan asked.

"Yes, I've decided for the host club to have another party, although I'm not sure it'll work now with Kaoru's condition..." Kyo-Chan said, trailing off to emphasize his point.

Makoto's POV

I left music room 3 after that, walking the halls, wondering what the party would be like.

"Hey, so, the host club is hosting a party soon, you should dance with him, and at the end give him another kiss!" I hear a girl say, it kind of sounds like Wendy, one of the girls from my class. I turn the corner and there they are! It's Hana, Wendy, and Carilyn.

"Oh, hey guys, I'm sorry for eavesdropping, but who are you talking about?" I ask, "Mori, Hana kissed him." Carilyn answers.



Naomi's POV

I was sitting on one of the many couches, reading a book, when Makoto barges into music room 3. She's crying, tears running down hear face. Her eyes land in Mori and she stomps up to him, and what happens was awful to watch...

She. Slapped. Him.

"How dare you!" She screamed. Tamaki stood up, but Kyoya made him sit back down, Makoto may be caring and sweet, but she is terrifying when she's mad.

"I hate you! You let her! You let her kiss you! I cared so much about you! And you let some random girl kiss you! You didn't even push her off!" She screamed. She then turned towards the rest of us. "And you guys!" The sarcasm was thick in her voice, "My dearest, closest friends, didn't tell me a thing when another girl kissed my boyfriend! Thanks!" She stormed away, pushing Evony out of her way.

The worst part was I could hear her sobs all the way down the hall.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2016 ⏰

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