Chapter 2 ~ Naomi

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Evony's POV

I have to admit, I was confused. Very, confused. Of all of these new people I didn't really know any of them, but I could tell what 'love category' they were each in. Mori is the strong and silent type, Honey is the boy-Lolita, Tamaki's the prince type, the twins are the little devil type, Haruhi is the natural, and Kyoya is the cool type.

"Hey, everybody!" A girl exclaimed, bursting into the room. She was tall with long brown hair and deep brown eyes. She was wearing a blue skirt that went down to her knees, a white blouse, and a black and purple tie with the school crest.

"Naomi!" Makoto cried, nearly attacking the girl who I assumed was Naomi. "Love the uniform!"

"Thanks! My Dad had it made." Naomi said, doing a little twirl and making her skirt fan out.

Let's see... how were they rich? "Uh, Kyoya, how are they-" I started.

"Naomi Murai comes from a very rich and powerful family, they own lots of businesses, most are media related. They are very respected and admired, she's one of the richest people in all of Japan. " Kyoya explained, cutting me off.

"What about Makoto?" I asked.

"Makoto is the youngest in the Tiyato family. Her father is a famous athlete, I believe he plays rugby, and her mother owns a huge business here in Japan. Her sister also succeeded by becoming a famous actress, she herself isn't exactly keen to those options so she told us she'd rather sing for a living." He told me.

"How do you know so much about them?" I asked him in astonishment.

"I take it upon myself to research all of the club members and clients so I thought I would do it for these girls too, not to mention if you lived in japan your whole life you would definitively know the two family's names." Kyoya replied.

"Hi, I'm Naomi, what's your name?" Naomi asked me, clearly not hearing our conversation.

"I'm Evony." I told her, "An old friend of Haruhi's."

"Well, it's nice to meet you." She said with a smile.

"Ladies, the Host Club will be open for business soon." Kyoya warned, he was now on his laptop doing God knows what.

"Do we still have cake?" Honey-Senpai asked Mori-Senpai.

"Yeah." He replied simply, passing Honey a piece of cake with a huge strawberry on it.

"Yay!" Honey-Senpai exclaimed. "Nao-Chan, you want some?"

"No thanks, Honey." Naomi declined. The door burst open and the Host Club activities started.

Tamaki's POV

"Oh Tamaki, please don't ever leave the host club!" One of my clients cried.

I gently caress her face, and tilt her chin up to look at me, "How could I ever leave you, my princess." I say to her, and she blushes and squeals.

"Oh, Tamaki, why are you so beautiful?" One of my other clients asked.

"My beauty is nothing compared to your's? my love, for you are an angel blessed from earth to live among us." I replied, looking into her deep eyes and flashing her an award-winning smile. All of the girls squealed and started chatting with each other in excited tones.

"Oh Tamaki!" They all exclaimed.

"Tama-chan! Tama-chan!" Honey called, sounding distressed. I stood up and the ladies watched me as I walked towards Honey.

"What is it?" I asked him, as girls watched in awe.

"We're out of cake!" Honey screamed, tears forming in his eyes. The girls gave small gasps.

"Do not worry, Honey, there's some more in the back, and Naomi is baking some too." I assured him.

His eyes light up and he ran off, "Nao-Chan!" He cried as Naomi came out to give him some cake.

"Here you go, Honey-Senpai." Naomi said, handing him the cake. Honey sent her a huge smile and all of the girl sighed.

"He's so cute." One of the girls said. All the other agreed.

"But no one can live up to our king Tamaki!" One of them shouted and they screamed in agreement.

Evony's POV

So. Much. Squealing.

All the girls scream when something remotely cute or sexy happens, even twincest!

"Are you alright?" I someone asked from behind me, I turn and see Makoto causally leaning against a pillar.

She had her long wavy blonde hair that was in braids, her purple glasses sat on her nose, accenting her soft brown eyes. She also was of course wearing the school uniform.

"Yeah, I guess it's just a lot to take in." I answer, I turn when I hear a squeal and see Hikaru tilting Karou's chin up to look at him, caressing his face.

"That's their specialty, it called the 'brotherly love pack' girls go crazy for it." Makoto explained.

"Any other 'packs' I should know about?" I ask turning towards her.

"So there's Karou and Hikaru who always have to take guests together, Mori and Honey are the same, then Tamaki, Haruhi, and Kyoya take guests alone. Karou and Hikaru work best with 'forbidden brotherly love'. Honey handles being adorable, and Mori makes the girls go crazy for how much he protects Honey. Haruhi makes the girls feel bad and pity him when he brings up his late mother. Kyoya usually works in the stats, but the girls still request him, and watch him work and talk to him. Tamaki just deals with girls who want to or pampered and, what's the word? Uh, 'blushing messes'? No, well partially, he mostly just acts gentlemanly." She answers, smiling at the end.

"Oh." I replied simply unsure of what to say in return to all of this. It was silent between the two of us for a while until I saw Naomi and I came up with a question. "What do you and Naomi do?"

"Well, I'm Mori's girlfriend so I'm here to make sure he's not getting himself in trouble with the girls and Naomi, well to tell you the truth"—her voice dropped to a whisper as she came next to me—"The twins like her, a lot."—Her voice went back to normal—"Not to mention she helps girls who are new here calm down and get used to it, but she's mostly our good friend."

"How do you think I might fit into all of this?" I wondered.

She turned to face me, a look on her face that showed she was thinking. "I don't know." She finally said, "These things just seem to happen."

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