Chapter III : Darkened Future

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Chapter III
Darkened Future


Lee raised her fist up in the air as the others began sprinting to the cars, the last day of examination has ended and at last it was the time for fun. Everyone got in their designated cars and it wasn't long before said vehicles roared towards the highway leading to the amusement park.

~ [I'm lazy so skip the road part XD] ~

"Okay, we can split up in groups. We have until seven pm!" Frances literally began to threw the tickets to each one of her friends who catched it in the air, they were pretty early in EK so the rides are pretty much empty. And as mentioned, they split up in pairs, Frances went along with her kouhai, Le Ann. Den went with Mich, Jaden with Marx, Mig with Brian, and Rex with Mark.

It was hours later, when it was their snack time when Den and Mich felt strange stares upon them. "H-hey, don't you feel anything strange?" She asked out of the blue and Brian entertained her question even though his mouth is practically stuffed with popcorn, "Whut?" Jaden asked through muffled voices.
Den crossed her arms but she was seen visibly cringing at some point as she replied,
"Yeah. Feels like we're being stared at.."
Upon hearing this, Jaden and Mig literally cracked their knuckles and if they were in anime, Den and Mich could be seen having a sweatdrop as they denied their thoughts.

".. I'm just going to take a walk around."

"I'm joining you,"

With that, Den and Mich stood from their seats and walked away, much to the worried and confused glances of their fellow classmates.


"Huh?" Both stares of the females catched the dark purple tent near the back gate of the amusement park, the place here is pretty isolated so it ain't surprising that there is not much people here around. "Hey, Den.. what's with that tent?" Michelle asked as she pointed towards the tent seen in the far back, Den followed her line of sight and there was indeed, a tent.

"I don't know, let's check it out?"


Turns out it was a mere fortune teller tent of some sort, the lady was garbed in fine purple linen, with gold necklaces and bracelets, most of her face was covered by dark blue clothing so it is impossible to describe her full appearance. In front of her, a table with black cloth over it and on top, as what they would say, a crystal ball.

"Seek through time, shalt it all be fine?"

She asked as Mich and Den looked at each other in confusion before taking their seats just across the lady who smiled,
"First, the short one." Mich angrily puffed her cheeks as she mumbled,
"I ain't that short.." Den stiffled her laughter at her friend's childishness before the fortune teller gazed into the crystal.

".. A very fine life will lead thee be, tragedy strikes, everyone will go to the nether."

"Wait what?" Mich asked out, nether? Another word for.. underworld and hell, what could she possibly mean? This heightened up both of their curiousness, never knowing this could nearly be the death of them.

"A girl, would die tonight, her blood will be spilled once the Crescent Moon was out. She would be nick named, 'The Vanishing' ."

This had them enough, they abruptly stood up from their seats and tossed the lady the money before they went out of the tent, both with scared faces.

"Is she telling the truth.. ?" Den nervously asked as she shivered, Mich cringed slightly as the both of them made their ways back to the group. Both's minds filled with negative thoughts,

The Vanishing? It could practically mean that the victim would probably disappear unknowingly, and it would most likely take some time before someone could possibly notice.

Michelle's POV

The Vanishing.. it's creepy. And she said it's going to be a girl, and tonight!
Uhh, I'm gonna freak the fudge out.

"To where may the spirit dwell, then?"

Den asked out of the defeaning silence as we both continued walking, but she's also correct about it. If one girl from our group would die tonight, where will the spirit go?
And at this rate.. we could've called the police, Den doesn't seem like calling them. She possibly thinks this is a prank or so, and me, the same as hers. But we both know we can't help but be afraid, I mean, what if it is true? If someone were to die, this night, it would either be me, Den, Le Ann or Frances. The boys aren't included so they're safe from what the lady called

As we both approached the group, Frances was the first to notice us. It was also just four pm, so we still have three more hours to go. And there are a lot of people here already, time really passes us by.

"Woah, you guys okay?" She asked and this caught the attention of Lee who looked by us and gave a concerned nod, "Yeah. You guys are literally pale right now.." she said and both me and Den shook our heads to shrug it off,

"Nah, we just rode the 'Space Shuttle' and we nearly puked, so hehe.."

Den excused with a lie, good thing they all bought it. But Mig and Jaden doesn't seem too convinced of her answer, they really should not know about this. I don't know if I should tell YT and Lee, though. To Den, it just might be a prank, but to me.. I began to doubt if it really is just a joke, this could be serious.

But, I'm just going to ignore that for now. It's our last day together, I'd rather have fun!


Something gettin fishy hereee, aye?
Whatever could happen next??
Oh and the suggestion, coming right up maybe tomorrow or the day after it. I mean, cmon, it's nearly 3k+ words, I need to do it. Lol.


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