Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

MacCreadys POV

She looks so beautiful when she's sound asleep, although I kinda love her feisty attitude. Cameron is truly one of a kind.

I told her that I needed her. No not in a sexual way, it was more romantic than anything. Although I do wish I could be with her it wouldn't be the right time.

Too much is on her plate and I can't afford her to loose her mind.

I looked at my old beat up pre-war watch to see it's 8 a.m. Quickly but quietly I rolled out of bed and into the "bathroom". It wasn't much, just a toilet, a sink that barley had running water and a shower. Today was the day we were going to Med-Tek to find Duncans cure. Cameron promised me we were going, that just made me feel...

loved, wanted.

Buttoning my shirts and zipping up my pants I gently woke up Cameron.

"Psst wake up..." I whispered.

"Nnngh... five more min-"

"Holy crap a Deathclaw is coming towards us!" She quickly jumped up knocking me over her body layed on top of me. Cameron noticed what position we were in and started to blush. "Hey it's like that one time when were leaving Good Neighbor and-"

"Shut up don't mess with me like that or I'll..."

"What are you going to do, boss?" I inched my face closer towards hers.

"I'll burn your Grognak the Barbarian comic books." Well shit.

Cameron rolled off me and got up.

"C'mon we've got a job to do." She offered my hand and I gladly accepted it.


We arrived at Med-Tek, all I could think was negative thoughts. What if Duncans medicine isn't here? What if we don't make it out alive? What if I can't save him? A wash of panic and anxiety washed over me but I had to pull myself together.

"I'll take lead you follow behind." Cameron commanded as she pointed her gun to the floor. "You know where it might be?"

I nodded and pulled out the paper of passwords for terminals. Every corner we seemed to turn at was filled with ferals. Cameron blew any feral that even tried to get towards us, she had a layer of sweat glistening on her forehead and down her vault suit. She looked so, angry and pleased to kill them.

Dammit MacCready stop thinking dirty thoughts you imbecile.

We approached a terminal and quickly I unlocked us. What was behind the door? You guessed it more ferals.

"I think we are getting close, must be up those stairs then we have to get through the executive level."

"Okay boss. Got it. Hah see what I did there? I called you boss instead of you calling me boss?" She chuckled.

Oh I know other things to call me other than boss. Dammit MacCready back at it again with the pervertedness.

Finally after killing dozens of more ferals we reached the research lab room that was filled with tons of drugs.

"Holy shit, Hancock would love this." Was all she could say. Cameron was right after all, there was jet lying everywhere. "Now lets find that medicine."

I looked around my side of the room and found nothing that seems to cure blue boils, luckily everything was labeled. I could feel a panic attack coming though, I was terrified of not finding his cure.

"MacCready come here." She turned around and showed me the glass vial. "Found it."


We arrived back at Good Neighbor and headed towards Daisy's store where she will deliver it to my son.

"Hey Daisy I finally found it, the cure for Duncans disease." I smiled handing over the vaccine.

"Oh that's wondeful! How did you find it? Did your little friend here help?" The ghoul asked me, I could feel my cheeks heating up.

"Yeah I couldn't have done it without her." I saw in the corner of my eye she was turning bright red. "Do you think you can get this to him?" Daisy smiled showing her crooked worn down yellow stained teeth.

"Of course and can I just talk to your friend for a second?" I nodded leaving the room.

A few moments later I see Cameron walk out with a grin on her face. "What did she say?" I narrowed my eyes at her. "Did she tell you the story of that one time I drank too much and-"

"No she didn't tell me that she just told me to be careful and gave me encouragement."


"Yes encouragement to do this..." And she leaned in and kissed me.


Authors Note

AHHHH I finally updated also it's spring break and I get to upload and work on this story more! Yeehaw!!!!

Hoped you guys enjoyed this! xoxo

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