Chapter Sixteen

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Authors Notes
I do apologize for never updating this trashy story. A year can change someone's life you know? School, friendships, family, everything all at once and you can't handle it.

But anyway I am back and I'm sorry for disappointing all of my "fans"? Are you fans if you like this really really crappy story or are you just a friend? Like always point out spelling errors and shit you see because sometimes I get emotional when I write and I don't know what the difference of their and there. I'm stupid.

Enjoy :)

Chapter Sixteen

Cameron's POV

I can't believe my Shaun turned out to be some fucked up dictator. Wanting to control the Commonwealth instead of helping? I could see definitely where in history he got that idea... (A/N NO SHADE @ DADDY DONALD DON'T KILL ME)

After what he said, basically calling me the worst mother in the world for not helping his devious plans. Got me thinking. Maybe I shouldn't go with the Institute after all. Maybe me and Shaun were never meant to have that close knit family relationship.

Bringing myself back to reality by MacCreadys firm grip on my hand. I felt him stroke the soft wet tears on my cheeks as we teleported back to the Commonwealth.

"Everything's gonna be alright." He looks at me with a half smile before letting go of my hand.

"I think we should go against the Institute and have the Railroad help us. I know Des would be happy but in all honesty I don't know if I would." I sobbed sitting on the dirty floor.

"I know it's too much to think of right now but if you haven't realized Shaun is a genius. Also whatever he's plotting will surely hurt us. The common people."

"He's playing God." I said breathlessly.

MacCready nods his head. "We need to do something before this gets out of hand. It's your decision Cam."

"Let's attack those fuckers."


"So you're telling me after meeting your son which you haven't seen in DECADES. You plan to attack him. Note he's the Institute DICTATOR- I mean Director. AND HE'S IN THE INSTITUTE!" Tom starts pacing around the room franticly thinking of the consequences.

"What about those stray synths around town? Once the Institutes gone they're still around and will kill us in our sleep!" Another member of the Railroad piped.

Desdemona got up from her chair and slammed her fist hard against the table.

"Enough! Cameron thinks this is the right thing and we shall do it. Now, we've got to plan this accordingly so we don't lose all of our men."

"Agreed, the reason why I want to rip the bandaid is because we know what their intentions are." I paused thinking about how Shaun could've been if I just came 50 years earlier. "I know he's my son but he's dangerous. God knows what he wants to do now that I told him off." I lowered my head down.

MacCready inched closer to me touching my shoulder. He made me feel better about this very shitty situation.

"So it's settled all those in favor of attacking the Institute say 'yay' those who aren't. Well... why are you here anyways?" Desdemona looked around the room to see if anyone disagreed. "Good. Tomorrow everyone must make the following preparations, weapons, ammo, grenades, Furys beef stew because we can't fight on a empty stomach and armor. You're all dismissed." Everyone gets out of the meeting room and only MacCready and I were left.

We decided to get a head start on cleaning our weapons and loading everything up. Our room did look like a gun store. Ammo was littered on the floor. I sat on a chair in the corner reloading my .40 before dropping it. MacCready snaked his arm around my waist pulling me close to his rock hard body.

"You're so badass you know?" He whispers while nibbling my earlobe.

"Stop you almost made me drop my bullets." I chuckled.

He dips his head so his lips are planted on mine. Slowly, he traces his tongue on my bottom lip. A soft moan escapes my lips as I felt his smile.

Quickly he knelt in front of me within seconds. He begins to slide his hands lower and lower until it reaches to the front of my jeans. He unhooks the button and unzips the zipper before sticking his hand down my womanhood.

He teases me by flicking my bean before taking off my jeans. Now his head is between my thighs. MacCready playfully breaths softly tickling my lovebud.

"Rob, if you don't stop teasing me when you're next it's gonna be torture." I gritted my teeth.

"That's fine considering I am with the most beautiful woman in the world." My heart skips a beat once again.

He peels my panties off and begins to enter with his finger.

"You like that?"

"Yes!" I begin to grind against his hand. I could see the erection in his pants begging to be touched. He puts his fingers to my mouth and I gladly sucked on them. MacCready being the freak he is inserted it back inside me this time going slower and then completely stopping. What no!

"No fun!" I got up pushing him on to the bed taking off my shirt and bra. "My turn."

I took off his shirt tracing his abs with my long finger nails. He shivered against my touch which I smiled at knowing I was in control. He unbuckles his jeans leaving him only in boxers. I straddled him grinding against his manhood.

"F-fuck you Cameron." He whispers closing his eyes.

"I thought we were already doing that?" I laughed. I took off his boxers exposing his mayor once again. He grabs a condom from the dresser as I wiggle my finger.

"Not yet." I wet the head of his shaft and suck lightly. Blowing lightly as I gasped for air. I could see in the corner of my eye how close he was. He sat up straight before I pushed him back down.

I took my mouth off his dick and grabbed a condom putting it on for him. This time he was on top. Slowly entering my wet curtains a low growl came out his mouth.

"Fuck you're so wet." He nibbled at my breast while slowly pumping inside of me. My hands instantly flew to his back holding on tightly. My nails grind against his skin as he holds back a moan before failing. Before I knew it I said something I never thought I would in bed.

"Choke me please, not too hard." His eyes brightened at the thought of causing slight pain. His hand slowly wrapped around my neck lightly choking me.

I was so close but before I knew it we both came. He slammed inside of me causing our bed to shift. His grip around my neck still was tight as I scream in pleasure.

Our breaths were in synced and our sweat dripping off one another. He laid next to my breast kissing me lightly above my nipple.

"That was everything." I said out of breath.

"Yeah, who knew you're a kinky little bitch?"

"Very funny but I think you liked my nails against your back huh?"

"Of course I did. It's a reminder that I gave you pleasure now."

He disposed his condom in the trash coming back with all the sweat trickled on his chest. I am so lucky to be with this Greek god.

"I love you." I whisper.

"I love you too."

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