Chapter 9 Truth or Dare

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"I heard there was a secret chord. That David played and it pleased the Lord. But you don't really care for music do ya? It goes like this, the fourth, the fifth. The minor fall and the major lift. The baffled King composing Hallelujah." I sang softly as I made breakfast for everyone with Ileyah's help because I cannot cook.

"Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Halleluuuuuuujjjaaah." Ileyah sang along with me. "You're faith was strong, but you needed proof. You saw her bathing on the roof. Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew ya."

"She tied you to her kitchen chair. She broke your throne and she cut your hair. And from your lips she drew the Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Halleluuuuuuujjjaaah." Sky sang. I've alwasy loved his voice.

We finished the song and Sky helped us make breakfast. We set the table and I went to wake up Ty and Jason while Sky woke up Jerome, Mitch, Husky, Jordan, and Jesse.

"WAKE UP JASON!" I yelled as loudly as possible.Jason groaned but got up, giving me a quick hug. According to Sky, he felt horrible for what happened, though he had nothing to do with it. He saved me.

I went to Ty's room and jumped on the water bed. "Wake up Ty!!" I yelled.

"Go away," He mumbled.

"Get up!" I repeated.

"I said go away!" He said as he flipped over, grabbed me by my waist, and pulled me down on top of him. I squealed and laughed, punching him in the arm.

"Get up Deadlox!!" I yelled as I escaped from his grip. "Breakfast is ready!"

"Fine," He groaned, getting up. I smiled in triumph and bounced down the steps. I was way too hyper today.

"Can we play Minecraft today?" I asked Jesse. I was bouncing in myseat after breakfast.

"Sure, why not?" He said. "But I have to go to the store and buy food cuz Chase ate it all before he left."

"Are you sure YOU didn't eat it all?" I asked.

"Oh that's it!" He said, standing up.

"Oh crap!" I jumped up from my seat and ran to Sky, sitting on his lap and hiding my face in his chest.

"I can still see you." Jesse said. "Hiding your face in Sky doesn't work."

"IN MINECRAFT IT DOES!" I said. "Sorta....."

"And this is mah best friend errebody." Ileyah said. I'm guessing she's filming. "She is currently sitting on her boyfriend, Adam, or SkyDoesMinecraft's lap."

"OH NO YOU DIDN'T!" I yelped, standing up. She was filming this. Shoot.

"Oh yes I did!" She said. I glared playfully.

"If I wasn't so hyper, I'd kill you." I mumbled. "I gotts get rid of this energy!"

Jesse chuckled. Then, he fake coughed twice and said, "Have sex with Sky." in between it.

"And Hyperness is now gone." I said as my bouncing ceased. "You're dead."

"I'M GONNA GO GET FOOD!" He screamed, then left Ileyah's house to go shopping.


"What do you wanna do today?" Mitch asked.

"I don't know," I replied in a slow tone.

"I have an idea," Ileyah said with an evil smirk. "Truth or Dare for mine and Libby's channels."

"SHOOT LET'S GO FOR IT!" I yelled.

The guys agreed and we all sat in a circle. The only one not playing was Quinton, so he filmed it.

"Sky, turht or dare?" Jerome asked him.

"Dare," He replied. Jerome whispered something in his ear and he blushed.

Sky stood up and started dancing as sexily as he could. It was such an epic fail. I was dying of laughter.

"Alright, alright," Sky said as he sat down. "Jordan, truth or dare?"

"Truth," He replied. The game went on and on for a while. There were silly, dirty, and just flat out weird dares and some scary truths. Finally, I was asked by Ileyah.

"Truth or dare?" She asked me.

"Dare." I replied bodly.

"Kiss your crush." She replied with a smirk.

I blushed and looked over at Sky. I sort of liked him, but I also sort of liked Jordan. Then the deal with Deadlox last night....

"Yolo," I said, kissing Sky on the cheek. I smirked at Ileyah. "Never said where,"

"YOU LITTLE $4IT!!!" She laughed.

"Let's not go all Dave Franco and Mark Ruffalo on each other here," I laughed.

"Just wait," She said. "Just wait."

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