Author's Note (Yes, I hate these too)

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Hey guys! LibbyLovesLapis here....Once again, NOT YOUTUBE! Lol.

Hey guys! LapisPrincessLibby here and I just wanted to ask you guys a few things.

1.) Should I make a spin-off series where she ends up with Jason instead of Sky?

2.) Should I make a book where its in Sky's P.O.V.?

3.) What do you guys think of the story? Hate it? Love it? Want to see more of something? (Unless it's like a gay Merome thing or something. I don't hate gays or lesbians but I do not ship bromances because some people take it too seriously. I used to be a Directioner but part of the reason I'm not anymore is the whole shipping deal. ANYWAYS...)

Let me know what you want to see more of. More of the guys? Less of her bffs? More of SkyDoesLibby? More of her hanging with the other guys? LET ME KNOW IN THE COMMENTS DOWN BELOW! Also, I have an idea for another SkyDoesMinecraft fanfiction. The summary of it is written in my 'Book of Ideas' book if you want to check it out. It's kind of nerdish but hey, that's what I am.

Thanks for all of your support on this story! I'll see you guys later! Bye!

Lapis Love or Butter Hate ~SkyDoesMinecraft~Where stories live. Discover now