Rumor Mill

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"So how did it go? Did they like the fruit basket?"

"Yeah mom they loved the fruit basket. They seem like really nice people. Their names are the Vasquez's. It's just them and their one son."

"Oh that's nice sweety we should invite them over for dinner some time. I haven't cooked dinner for anyone besides me, you and your brother in awhile. Hey remember the last time we've been over to that house I think it was..."

"Mom just stop I don't want to hear anything about the people who lived there good bad or anything. I don't want to hear it."
  Alyssa walks past her mom and storms up the stairs headed straight for her room. Once up there  she shuts and locks her door then how's to turn on her radio.
  "I mean I know I have no right to be mad at my mom. For none of it was her fault,but she knows how I feel about that house and what all came with it. I...I just want her to understand that even though those wounds are scabs they still left scars on my heart."

  Wanting to get out of her suddenly terrible mood she calls her favorite right hand Kikomara.
  "Eeee! Kiko you won't believe what just happened to me today."

"What happened Lyssa you haven't been this excited since you crushed the Newhaven Ravens in that mock trial competition while making it to regionals in the same day."

"Whoa there slow ya role I'm not that excited. You know that house two doors down from mine. That's been vacant for almost a year now. When you know who moved out?"

  Alyssa's excitement is once again dwindling as memories of her past tries to come forward again.

  "Hey...Lyssa... are you there? Earth to Lyssa."

"Yeah I'm here sorry about that I kinda just spaces for a little. What was I talking about again?"

"Welllll you we're about to mention something about new neighbors."

"Oh yeah! A new family called the Vasquez's just moved in down the street. And get this their son is sooo hot  he almost gave my brain a seizure."

"No way!"

"Yes way. He seems a little uptight to me though. He didn't even speak he just stared at me the whole time. His parents we're really nice . His mother even tried to invite me over for lunch. I told her I couldn't come. I had absolutely  nothing to do today though.
  Why did I lie? I mean I had no reason to but I just did.Well maybe you were just too chicken to say yes. I was not. Stupid subconscious.

"Hey Kiko what should I wear tomorrow?"

"Oooo look at you trying to impress the new kid already."
  Alyssa not so lady like snorts on her retort.
"I am not trying to impress anyone especially the new kid. I just want to look nice tomorrow. Hmm is that some sorta crime Kiko?"

"Whatever you say but I'm not believing that for one second. I know you're lying when the little piggies come out. But surrrre I'll help you. I mean you have been my friend since the third grade why not. Don't stress about it tonight I'll be over in the morning so you better get your beauty sleep. We don't need you looking like bug eyed zilla in the morning."

"Hey! You better be lucky I can't hit you through this phone. I never look that bad in the morning.Can't say the same thing about your breath."

  Kikomara slyly whispers under her breath with a giggle.

  "What was that? "

"Oh nothing. Be expecting me in the morning bye Lyssa."

"Bye Kiko."

Just Say Yes Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora