Teddy, Meet Your Parents.

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The next morning, Ginny had reunited with her brother and the Lupins, estatic on their return. Thanks to Hermione she had gotten enough sleep the night before (even if she slept in until ten).

Tonks and Remus couldn't wait to finally meet their son - Harry thought it would be best to go and talk to him beforehand, so while Tonks and Ginny chatted and made beakfast he slipped upstairs to find his godson. James and Al were in the living room playing, and Lily was in her highchair at the table with Remus and Fred.

"Ted?" Harry opened the door to find Teddy sitting on his bed with his legs crossed, looking at the photo album Harry had given him once for his birthday. It hand many pictured of Tonks and Remus, and sometimes Sirius, and even ocassionally Harry's father James, or his mother Lily. Harry sat down quietly at the other end of the bed. "Um - Teddy Bear -"

"Is it really them, Dad?" Teddy whispered, looking up. "I heard you. And them. Are they really here?"

Harry smiled and nodded. "Yesterday they came back - we had to do a lot of stuff at work so we got back really late. You were sleeping. They can't wait to meet you - and don't worry Teddy, they're really proud of you. Especially Remus."

"What if - what if they don't like me?" Teddy asked, and he looked down at a moving picture. It was of Sirius, Harry's mother and father, and Remus, all waving back as they raised their glasses and smiled.

"Ted," Harry said, sighing, "they're wonderful people, and they'll love you. Your dad was like my father when I was a bit older than you - after Sirius died. No one was there for me but him at a time like that. After he and your mother died, I felt like I had lost my father all over again, just like when I lost Sirius. So I took you in, and you're so much like him, Ted." He grinned. "But you're like Nymphadora as well, you have her clumsiness and you're a Metamorphagus like her. Your mum - well, she was the life of the party. She would always cheer everyone up, especially Sirius because he was under house arrest. And you should've sen at Bill and Fleur's wedding, she and Charlie lit up the dance floor." He chuckled, then sobered. "That was a little while before I found out she was going to have you, and I was going to be godfather. I was estatic, you know, I was so happy, even if I didn't really show it... Please come and meet them, Teddy they'll love you, I know they will."

Teddy nodded slowly, closing the photo album. Harry stood up, expecting Ted to follow, but as soon as he reached the door the boy said, "Do you think Sirius will come back? I mean, he could, couldn't he? Your parents as well? That would be awesome, don't you think?"

Harry laughed. "I don't think so, kiddo. That would be kind of weird."

"But my parents are back - and Uncle Fred!" He jumped up happily and Harry put his arm around his shoulder, smiling and shaking his head.

"My parents have been dead for a long time," Harry said. "It would be nice, but I doubt it."

As they were going down the stairs, Tonks suddenly walked right into them with an "Oof! Wotcher, Harry, sorry! I almost broke your glasses... Oh my God."

Her hands flew to her mouth, and tears shone in her eyes as she looked at Teddy. "Oh Merlin, Harry, that's him!"

"Tonks, meet Teddy. Teddy, this is your mum," said Harry, smiling.

"Er - hi," Teddy said, looking at his feet.

Tonks rushed to hug her son. "Oh Lord, I've missed so much..."

"I'll go get Remus," Harry said, smiling. He walked down the rest of the stairs and found Remus laughing at something Fred had said, Lily giggling as well. "Ready to meet your son, Moony?"

"Don't put him under pressure, Harry," Ginny said sternly, although smiling.

"As ready as I'll ever be," Remus replied.

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