Meet Your Grandbabies!... Oh Yeah And Ginny

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Once Harry unlocked the door to the house Sirius was the first to run in, calling, "Oh Ginnykins! Padfoot is famished, and so is Prongs - wouldn't you say, Jamsie?"

"Never call me 'Ginnykins' ever again, Padfoot," said Ginny as she walked in, smiling at them but glaring at Sirius at the same time.

"I thought you liked that name," Sirius defended. "Fred and George used to call you Ginnykins all the time back in... what year was that...? Oh yes, nineteen ninety five!"

"Don't judge me, I was fourteen, and I despised it."

"Get in the kitchen, Padfoot," Harry said.

Sirius said to Ginny, "Fine then, Ginevra!" and ran off.

"Hullo, I'm Ginny," Ginny said to James and Lily, smiling. James shook her hand politely but Lily pulled her into a soft hug, and Ginny gladly hugged back.

Tonks and Teddy then decided to come into the room, and Teddy went up to Harry and said, "I told you! Didn't we tell him, Aunt Ginny? We told him this would happen, but no, he wouldn't believe us -"

"Yes, he owes me ten Galleons," Ginny said, smirking at Harry when she and Lily broke apart.

"James, Lily," said Remus, "this is my son Ted."

"I'm eleven," Teddy let him know.

"And I'm surprised," James said, looking in shock at Remus then back at Teddy. "So are you a werewolf? Because if you are that's great, do you know how many fun times your dad, Sirius, that git Peter, and I had together -?"

"James!" Lily scolded angrily.

"No, I'm not a werewolf," Teddy replied, smiling. "But I am a Metamorphagus."

"And extremely cranky at the full moon," Harry put in.

"I dot know if you remember me, James, Lily," said Tonks, "I'm Nymphadora Tonks - well, Lupin now."

"I remember!" James exclaimed. "You're Andromeda's daughter, aren't you?"

"I think we're all related in some weird way," Ginny said. "Hermione brought me some papers from the Ministry that said that the Potters and the Weasleys are distantly related to the Blacks - I could be Sirius's twentieth cousin ten times removed."


"What?!" Ginny shrieked, already gone.

From somewhere James screamed, "AM NOT!"

"Let's go eat," Harry suggested quickly.


The dinner table was quiet, for the most part - Ginny was trying to feed her daughter but Lily kept on spitting it out. James - not the adult James - was pouting because his parents were making him eat because he had been caught snacking on the pie - or at least he was trying to pout, but his uncle Padfoot kept on making weird faces when Ginny wasn't looking, causing all the children to giggle and Lily to spit her food back out again. James and Lily - the adults - were enjoying this charade quite a bit.

"Daddy, I'm a lion," James said randomly.

"Are you?" Harry mused, cutting his steak. "I hadn't noticed - is Al a lion as well?"

"No," James said seriously, "I'm the only lion. Al can be the monkey."

James and Sirius covered their mouths as not to laugh, and Ginny rolled her eyes, smiling all the way.

"I don't wanna be the monkey!" Al whined from the other end of the table. "I wanna be a bear."

"You be a bear, then," said Harry.

"Auntie Luna said she's going to make me a lion hat just like hers!" James told him excitedly.

"Did she really?" Harry shared a glance with Ginny. "Did she show you hers? She used to wear it at Quidditch games."

"Why?" Ted asked. "She's Ravenclaw."

"I think she went for Gryffindor more than her own house," Ginny replied.

"Who's Luna?" Sirius asked.

"My best friend," said Ginny.

"She's a bit -" Harry began but Ginny finished it for him;

"- she's a big thinker."

Harry laughed and shook his head. "That's how you describe Luna? No, she's the kind of person who always thinks outside the box. Don't you remember talking about Ravenclaw's Diadem? We knew there was no one alive who had seen it - and Luna comes up to me and says, 'Well, isn't it obvious? We have to talk to someone who's dead.'"

"Yes, why didn't you think of that?" Harry's father said innocently. "It was practically right in front of your nose!"

"Daddy, you said you would play with me!" James (A/N: I'm putting 'James' for the child and 'James' for the adult, same for the other kids/adults) said suddenly. "Remember, Daddy? You said -"

"I know, I'll play with you, I promise," said Harry, "but not tonight - maybe tomorrow."

"Why not tonight?"

"It's almost bedtime," said Ginny, who had given up on feeding Lily and was eating her own food.

"What?!" Al exclaimed, eyes wide and shining. "But Teddy gets to stay up more, touh!"

"If you finish your dinner I'll read you a story before you go to sleep," said Harry, smiling.

"I'm done!" James decided, jumping down and grabbing his father's hand, "C'mon, Al, Daddy's going to read for us!"

Harry and the two boys were gone then, leaving the adults smiling widely.

"He's a really great dad, isn't he?" Lily said, eyes glistening.

"Of course he is, he absolutely adores them," Ginny replied.

"Who can't?" Sirius laughed, standing up to put his plate away and taking the two boys' empty plates with him. "They're hilarious, and adorable. Like... kittens."

Ginny burst out laughing, as did James, Lily, Tonks, and Remus.

"You're comparing my sons to kittens?" Ginny shook her head, chuckling hard.

"Okay, I admit that was a bad example." Sirius grinned. "So when are we going to get over to the Burrow? I've barely had any time to catch up with Arthur, and I'd like to talk with Bill, I didn't know he had gotten married!"

"Oh, that was when I was about to turn sixteen, not long after... er... you know," said Ginny, referring to his 'death'. "I didn't like Fleur at all, but she's not so bad now. I'm not sure, I think I might stop by there tomorrow, if you really want to come."

"No, that's fine, I'll wait until the next time," said Sirius. "It's bound to be within the next week, you know how your mum is, she likes a full house."

"Without fail," Ginny countered, smiling. "She loves it. I do too, especially at Christmas time - I can't not go there on Christmas, it's where I grew up."

"I always stayed at Hogwarts for Christmas," said James, "because Sirius wouldn't willingly go back home, Remus the same. So, Ginny, I hear you have six brothers!"

"Six older brothers," said Ginny, sighing. "I'm lucky I survived."

"No, you're lucky they're scared of you," said Remus. "Even the twins are, and that's saying something."

"Yes, six older brothers," Ginny told James, "Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, and Ron."

"And how did Harry manage marrying you and not being killed?"

"James!" Lily scolded.

"I'm just curious," James said sheepishly.

"They were a bit wary of it in the beginning, only Ron, Fred, and George knew, but when we stopped going to school and it got kind of serious, they kind of calmed down about it. When we announced we were getting married, that's a different story - Ron went mental."

"Oh, was your wedding very beautiful?" Lily asked.

"It was," Ginny answered, smiling. "Can you believe it, George cried!"

"Well, I probably would have," Remus defended. "I wish I could've been there... maybe it's payback because Harry didn't get to go to our wedding, Dora."

"I'll be back in a moment," Ginny said, standing up and picking Lily (who was almost asleep sitting up) up into her arms. Teddy left with his godmother and godsister, wanting to go to sleep.

"Didn't I tell you Ginny was a great cook?" Sirius said.

"A delicacy, Padfoot," James agreed.

"I know! But do you know what else, Prongs, Molly is even better!"

"I can't wait for you guys to meet all of the Weasleys, they're such a wonderful family," Tonks said, clearing the entire table off and getting a napkin to clean off Lily's highchair. "Bill's a cursebreaker, Charlie's working with dragons in Romania - but he's down here for awhile - Percy works at the Ministry, Fred and George own two joke shops, one in Diagon Ally an one in Hogsmeade, and Ron's an Auror with Harry. Ginny used to play professional Quidditch -"

"- but she got pregnant and resigned," Sirius finished. "Now she writes articles for the Daily Prophet in the sports section, I read it a few times. She's good."

"Well, she wouldn't be doing it if she wasn't any good," said Lily.

"How did she and Harry get together?" asked James.

"Oh, I don't know," Remus said. "No one ever told me."

"Me, neither - she only told me they were dating, not how they actually got together," Tonks explained, sitting back down. "Little bugger, she used to be so cryptic."

"Who used to be cryptic?" Ginny questioned, coming back in without Lily and sitting down next to Remus, "Luna? Oh, Tonks, you've only seen the tip of the iceberg there -"

"No, I meant you," said Tonks, chuckling, "but Luna will do as well; she's something else, isn't she?"

"Oh, totally, that's why I love her," said Ginny, but then her smile faded. "Hey, I wasn't ever cryptic, Nymphie!"

"You really were," said Harry, coming in and taking a seat next to his wife.

"I was not! When was I cryptic?"

"You were kind of quiet -" Tonks began but Harry laughed and shook his head.

"Ginny and quiet can't go into the same sentance," said Harry, "unless you're saying 'Ginny can't be quiet.'"

"Let's talk about something else!" Ginny suggested happily. "Let's talk about - Ooh! I know! You Marauders, tell us about your school years."

James's, Remus's, and Sirius's eyes lit up but Lily groaned.

"Well, Ginny," James began, "in our first year we died Snape's robes red and gold in front of entire Great Hall at breakfast -"

"- Peter's idea, how mediocre -" Sirius muttered.

"- bewitched a few hundred misteltoes to follow people around until they get snogged by someone -"

"- that was Remmy's thinking, really genious -"

"In our second year we almost got expelled for tricking some Slytherin - long story short the Whomping Willow almost killed her," said Remus.

"Yes, and that year we also slipped our Defence teacher a love potion -" Harry gave Sirius an odd look, who shrugged and added, "...We may or may not tell you about what happened then, but the teacher got sacked."

"Third year," James announced. "I might've accidentally set the Hufflepuff Quidditch team's brooms on fire..."

"We magically altered our grades so our parents wouldn't disown us - no offense, Padfoot - and got caught," Remus put in.

"In our fourth year we confinced the entire student body that James was a seer," Sirius said, "when really, we planned it very carefully and Prongs would predict things while Moony, Peter and I would make it seem like it happened."

"Yes, Lils was the only one who didn't belive it," James said.

"Everyone knew you were rubbish at Divination!" Lily exclaimed.

"We also were caught trying to get the house elves to put gillyweed into Snape's food," said Sirius, "it almost worked, too... In our fifth year we actually tried to set McGonagall and Dumbledore up together -"

"- which was stupid, everyone know's Dumbledore's gay -"

"- and when it didn't work we worked a bit more on Operation Get Lily To Like James," Sirius went on, ignoring Remus, "which also failed -"

"You think it would work?" Lily asked, astonished. "That was pathetic!"

"Well, yeah, we were running out of ideas," Sirius explained sheepishly. "I mean, we had already tried to give you love potion, we knew that the whole asking-you-out-every-walking-second thing wasn't working, we sent you valentines, we even gave you sencere gentleman complements and you weren't giving in! So the only thing left that we hadn't tried was to build a shrine in the common room -"

"Anyway, that year was probably the most interesting," said James. "Our sixth and seventh years weren't like the others, we matured."

Lily snorted as they finished. Harry and Ginny, meanwhile, were shaking with silent laughter.

"Oh, you'll love Fred and George, James!" Tonks exclaimed, grinning.

"That's genious!" Ginny blurted out, laughing. "Pure genious! Sirius, Remus, how come you never told me?!"

"It never came up in conversation," Remus answered, chuckling. "So, Ginny, Harry, how'd you get together?"

"Yeah!" Tonks exclaimed, "You never told me, Ginny, I'm mad at you!"

"We were in the middle of war the next time I saw you, you think it was a good time for me to tell you about it?" Ginny asked, still smiling.

"You could've written!"

"I was busy."

"Oh, of course you were! Just busy with the boyfriend you didn't tell me about!"

"Never mind that, tell us how it happened," Sirius urged.

"For about four years I had a massive crush on Harry and couldn't talk in front of him -" Ginny began, but her husband cut across her;

"Oh, I have to tell you about the butterdish! And the singing valentine -"

"The twins did that!" Ginny exclaimed. "Honestly, they were such gits - Anyway, I started to calm down a bit around him under Hermione's advise, and then he -"

"- then I proceded to develop a massive crush on Ginny in my sixth year," Harry finished. "I had this whole conflict in my head, because I wanted to date Ginny but at the same time Ron was my best friend, so I didn't want to jepordise that. She also was dating this guy Dean who I shared a dorm with -"

"I ended up breaking up with him, and joined the Quidditch team -"

"- didn't make anything better, seeing you in a Quidditch uniform -"

"- then Harry had detention during a Quidditch game so I had to fill in for him. I caught the snitch and we won -"

"- and when I got to the Gryffindor Tower, I accidentally snogged her in front of everyone..."

"Accidentally? Pfft, yeah, everyone believed it was an accident. Especially Ron and Dean - oh yeah, they totally knew it was a sodding accident."

There was a pause.

"You didn't think I needed to know this?!" Tonks said, mockingly astonished. "Ginevra!"

"Nymphadora!" Ginny said the same way.

"Good stories, but I'm going to bed," Remus said, smiling and standing up. "Goodnight - hopefully when I wake up you'll still be here, Prongs, Lily..."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2013 ⏰

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