Chapter Five

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Anala-Salila had been released from her cell, by Thor's commands, and all experimentation had been stopped. She still didn't trust anyone besides Clint and Thor. Not really. Clint had pulled her aside to tell her that he knew nothing of the experiments, and had asked for her forgiveness, which she had gratefully given. Clint and Thor had told the rest of the team a brief synopsis of her past, and why her powers were so dangerous, both to herself and others.

It had been two days since Anala-Salila had been released. Fury had made it clear that since the Avengers freed her, she, and her powers, were their responsibility. They had all agreed to stay in the new Avengers Tower. Thor would only be there off and on, because he still had duties on Asgard. Clint and Natasha would only be there when they weren't on misions. So, basically, it was Tony, Steve, Bruce, and Anala-Salila stuck in one large tower.

Anala-Salila woke up in her large, comfy bed and walked sleepily down the stairs, still in her pajamas. She could smell something cooking and followed the scent into the kitchen. She found Steve making eggs, bacon, and pancakes. A very traditional breakfast, she assumed, for his upbringing.

"Hey, kiddo," Steve adressed. "Don't have any food allergies, do you?"

"Morning, Mr. Rogers," Anala-Salila answered. "And no. Nothing you will find on Earth, at least."

Steve smirked, glancing up at her. "Good to know," he answered. "Breakfast will be ready in a couple of minutes. If you want to try and wake up Bruce and Tony, that would be a big help."

Anala-Salila nodded and went back upstairs, to the door marked Dr. Bruce Banner. She knocked lightly. "Dr. Banner," she called. "Mr. Rogers is making breakfast. He said it will be ready in a few minutes."

A few moments passed before she heard a groan from inside the room. "Ok," Bruce finally answered. "I'll be down in a minute."

Anala-Salila smiled and walked on to the door at the end of the hallway marked The Fabulous Tony Stark. She, again, knocked lightly on the door. "Mr. Stark," she called. "Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes."

At that moment, Bruce walked out of his room. "It's gonna take more than that to wake him up, kid," he chuckled tiredly.

Anala-Salila thought for a moment. "Well, what do you suggest I do?" She asked.

Bruce looked at her for a minute, then came forward and unlocked Tony's door. "Come on," he said. "He doesn't keep his Iron Man hand by his bed anymore."

Anala-Salila stared for a moment, wondering why the infamous Tony Stark would keep such a dangerous weapon by his bed. Finally, she followed Bruce into the billionaire's bedroom.

Bruce walked right up to the sleeping man. Hesitating for only a second, he ripped the pillow out from under Tony's head. The man didn't even stir. Anala-Salila approached, gently shaking his shoulder. He still remained fast asleep.

"I have an idea," Bruce said, then bent down to wisper in the girl's ear.

Anala-Salila grinned widely and ran back down to the kitchen. She grabbed a pitcher and filled it with water. Steve stared at her.

"What are you doing?" Steve asked.

"Waking up Mr. Stark," she answered, beginning to ascend the stairs once more.

"That might not be a good idea..." Steve warned, smirking.

"It was Dr. Banner's idea!" Anala-Salila answered, giggling as she made her way back to Tony's room.

"Ok, now... pour it on him!" Dr. Banner instructed.

Anala-Salila poured the water on the billionaire's chest, watching as he sprang up and sputtered for breath. She and Bruce laughed, but Tony didn't seem to find it very funny.

Anala-Salila: Fire and Water Don't MixWhere stories live. Discover now