Chapter Six

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Anala-Salila was having a nightmare. She kicked off her covers. She had bad dreams often, actually. It was about her time with Glaurung. He was chasing her, in the dream world. She screamed and ran, but knew it would just get her in more trouble. She ran around a corner, and fell into a dark abyss.

She landed harshly in a white room. She stood, seeing little furniture, then turned to see a wall covered in a magic, shimmering, golden glass. She was in an Asgardian prison. She wasn't sure how she knew, or even how she had gotten there. Then, someone appeared in front of her.

Anala-Salila looked up at the tall, black-haired man before her. Loki. He wore his green and gold armor, minus the helmet. She surged forward and hugged him, tears in her eyes. The man seemed startled, before awkwardly patting her back, then slowly wrapping his arms around the small girl, pulling her close. He sighed. They were in similar boats, he supposed. Both outcasted from their homes. Him from Jotunheim as a baby, and now all of Asgard hated him, it seemed. And she had been banished from her home world for what she had no control over. At least he had deserved the hate he received. She had done nothing wrong. For that, he decided, he would help her. She needed it.

Anala-Salila pulled away. "Loki?" she asked. "Did your magic bring me here?"

"Yes," Loki answered. "You are dreaming, still, but that doesn't make it any less real."

Anala-Salila nodded in understanding. She knew of his magic. He had shown her some of his favorite tricks when he had visited Xaslilia. He was also the one to help her through the pain of her powers when her parents were meeting with his, as they decided what to do about the suspected treason in Adroushan. It was why she still trusted him so much, even after his attack on Earth.

"Anala-Salila," Loki adressed. "Surely you know what it is you are supposed to do? Do you not?"

"I believe so," Anala-Salila said. "But I do not know how. I cannot control my powers. They still wage war against each other in my body. I can hardly bear it."

Loki sighed, grateful she at least knew what she had to do. "You will have to push past the pain. I know it hurts, but you must not show it. You are stronger than you know."

"I'm two weeks from thirteen, Loki," Anala-Salila protested. "How am I supposed to fulfill this prophecy? I'm just a girl."

Loki looked down at the girl, and his usually hard eyes softened. "You are much more than just a girl, Anala-Salila. Besides, your people, your brothers, are all counting on you."

"My people hate me," she wispered.

"Your brothers don't," Loki said. "And whether or not they trust you, the people will trust your brothers. Trust me, they will follow your lead."

Anala-Salila considered his words. "Thank you, Loki," she replied. "And, just know, Thor does not hate you, either."

Loki stared at her for a moment. "I know," he admitted. "It's just easier, for me, to pretend he does."

Anala-Salila gave a small smile. "You don't hate him, either, do you?"

Loki sighed. "And still, you read me like an open book."

"You make it too easy," the girl laughed. "Your eyes give you away."

"Let us get you back to the Avengers," Loki smirked. "Before you learn something you may not like."

Anala-Salila chuckled. "I know what you did, on Earth, Loki," she said. "Yet you are still a friend in my eyes."

Loki gave a small, genuine smile, then gently waved his long fingers through the air. Anala-Salila felt her eyes getting heavy, so she closed them. When she opened them again, she was tucked into her bed, in the Avengers Tower, and sunlight streamed in from her opened curtains. She smiled softly, knowing that she had a friend who wasn't on Earth. Her smile faded, however, as she remembered what it was she had to do.

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