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"Why are you always here?" She asked. "You never buy anything."

"Would buying something help convincing you to go out with me?"

She gave him an unimpressed look, eyebrows raised in a universal sign for "you've got to be kidding me." His lips twisted in a pout and she patted his shoulder sympathetically. He opened his mouth to whine, probably, but when a customer walked over and gave him an appreciative once-over, he smiled flirtatiously. She rolled her eyes. Typical.

He was... obnoxious. Loud, childish, arrogant, impulsive, never shut up, kind of in love with himself. Sure, he was a looker, but that really didn't give him the right to act like Adonis himself. She hated this kind of people. And yet, she couldn't shake off the feeling that it wasn't the real him. She couldn't bring herself to reject him once and for all for some unfathomable reason, and it angered her. As soon as the customer was gone, he was back in her face, slipping a piece of paper into her hand.

"Could you throw it out for me, babe?"

She looked at her palm; it was a phone number. She snorted and looked at him questioningly. "You don't want to call her?" she asked. "She seemed interested."

"I don't need her to be interested," he said with a wink, bringing his face even closer to hers. She shoved him away and turned around to throw out the number. "I don't get why you keep resisting."

"Because you're an asshole," she deadpanned and smiled sweetly
That wasn't exactly true. Well, it was, he was an asshole, but it wasn't why she didn't want to give him a chance. She didn't have anything against assholes- she was kind of an asshole herself- she'd just had it with narcissistic assholes. And he was a prime example. He was also currently rubbing his face all over her counter and whining like a wounded dog. She pushed him off and crossed her arms. God, that man was irritating. "Truth is, you're too pretty for me. Go home."

He looked at her like she'd just grown a second head and gaped. Luckily, she was saved by the phone call; he was too impatient to wait with whatever he had to say for her to finish talking. When she lifted her eyes off the catalog, he was gone.

He was back the next day, as usual, clearly having gotten over the previous day's rejection. He sure was relentless, if anything. He even brought lunch.

"Are you sure we haven't met before? " She mused while chewing on her burger. "I feel like I know you from somewhere."

"That's because we're soulmates in an AU. But there's nothing freaky has happened to us so we're just regular people," he explained, which... didn't explain anything. "And the other you won't date me either. Do you see the irony here?"

"I don't see sense in here, if it helps? My lunch break is over."

He obviously didn't leave. He offered her his help with displaying the fabrics, by which he meant wearing them like dresses and parading all over the store. It didn't even have any effect on her anymore. She just accepted it. Just like you accepted that spiders got into your mouth when you slept and dogs licked you after they'd eaten their own poop.

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