Chapter One

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Today was the day Celsius did not want to happen. Today, she would receive a partner. She would be stuck with this partner until one of them died.

She was already planning on how to fake her death.

But little did she know this new partner of hers would be the best and worst thing that ever happened to her.

It was mid day on a Saturday. Vale was filled with people, all shopping, sight seeing, or doing their own business. The side walks were crowded. Lucky for Celsius, this meant she wouldn't attract much attention. She walks along on the outside of a small group of tourists until she got to her stop- an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town. As the tour group stopped to look at an old tower where a man single handedly took out fifty Grimm to save the city, Celsius swiped her ID over the barely visible scanner next to the door and quickly and quietly slipped through the door without anyone knowing. She sighs when she's inside the building, puts her ID in her back pocket, and walks inside, being greeted by all members of the White Fang she passes.

"Hello, lovely." Roman Torchwick says as Celsius walks by him. She stops and looks at him. "Hello, flame head." She replies. "Why must you be so cruel?" Roman asks, pouting. "Don't you have a dust shop to rob or something?" Celsius asks. "I just wanted to say hello to the girl being given a partner. Are you excited?" Roman asks, sitting on a crate of dust crystals. "Not at all. I work best alone." Celsius says. Roman laughs. "Having a partner isn't so bad, Cel." Roman says, using his nickname for Celsius. "Easy for you to say. You got the mute girl who obeys your every word." Celsius says. "Neo is like that, yes, but she's good company." Roman says. Celsius looks up at the clock on the wall. "Hey, I gotta go. I'll text you later, Ro." Celsius says. "Cya, kid. Good luck!" Roman says as Celsius walks off.

Roman was Celsius's mentor when she was recruited to the White Fang. They became close and have been best friends ever since.

Celsius finally finds the room Cinder is in. "There you are." She says as Celsius enters the room. "Where is Roman?" "By the store room. Why?" Celsius asks. "He's your mentor. He needs to be here." Cinder says. Celsius sighs. "I'll be back." She says, walking out the room to grab Roman.

Celsius and Roman return to the room a few minutes later. "Finally, we can start." Cinder says. "Celsius, as you know, today you are receiving a partner to work with you in the field." "Wooo." Celsius says, sarcastically. Cinder slides a folder to Celsius over the table. Celsius picks it up and opens it. Inside is information on her new partner.

"Mercury Black."

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