Chapter 5

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Man, did Mercury love to talk. For the main portion of their time on the road, all he did was ask Celsius questions. She answered them in the simplest way possible, not being much of a talker.

"Do you know what time we are gonna stop and set up camp? This seat isn't really comfortable and we can't drive all night." Mercury says.

"We could always drive through the night." Celsius says. "But we'll run out of gas around 5:39 tomorrow morning if we do. So we're gonna make a quick stop at a safe house, where we will eat, sleep, put more fuel in the car, then drive off in the morning."

"We have a safe house out here with supplies?" Mercury asks.

"Yep. I was part of the team responsible for making it a safe house in the first place. It was originally owned by an Anti-Faunus group, who used it as a meeting place. One day my team and I got there before they all showed up. We tried negotiating with them, but they refused to let the house go." Celsius says.

"So, what did you do to change their minds?" Mercury asks.

"I killed their leader, and a few of his lieutenants. The rest of them gave up the house and all their supplies after that." Celsius replies.

"How do we know that they won't come back and try to take the house and supplies back?" Mercury asks.

Celsius must admit, this boy does ask some good questions.

"We set up booby traps all around the area. They've tried to get all the supplies back a month ago, but the traps killed most of them, and the others fled. We need to repair the used booby traps while we're there. Remind me." Celsius replies.

"Will do, madam." Mercury says.

"Please, just call me Celsius."

"What about Cels? That could be my nickname for you."

"Maybe one day, Mercury, but for now let's just focus on our mission, okay?"

Mercury sighs and quietly says "okay", looking down at the pouch Cinder gave him.

"Also, you can call me Merc if you want." Mercury says, quietly.

Celsius smiles. "I'll remember that." She says.

Mercury looks at her. He smiles and blushes, then looks away, not wanted her to know he is blushing. He failed. Celsius looks at him from the corner of her eye.

"What's all the blushing about?" Celsius asks, curiously.

"Oh, nothing." Mercury says.

"You know, Celsius, I think one day we could be great friends."

"Maybe one day."

"And maybe one day we could be more than that." Mercury says so quiet he can barely hear it himself.

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