Chapter 2

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"So, anything else you'd like to know about him?"  Cinder asks. "Yeah, why were we selected to be partners? You said you pick people that are similar in specific ways." Celsius says. "Well, you and him are both double amputees." Cinder says. Celsius looks down at her legs. With her pants, they look like normal. But underneith, her prosthetic legs are in their 'normal' state, hiding the secret blade inside each. Her prosthetics go up to half way up her thigh. She lost most of her legs in a bombing incident. Roman found her unconscious while on a mission to investigate the bomb threats and brought her to the hospital in the ware house, and she's been with the White Fang ever since.

"He hides his prosthetics like you. We don't have any pictures to show you." Cinder says. Celsius sighs. "Anything else?" She asks. "You both have no family." Cinder says.

Celsius's family died in the bombing.

"Okay, I get it. When do I met him?" Celsius asks.

"Right now." Cinder says as the door next to her opens.

A few minutes before

"Well, I guess this is good bye, Em." Mercury says to his friend, who is about to leave on a mission. "Don't die out there." She laughs. "I won't. My partner will heal me if anything happens. Aren't you getting your partner today?" Emerald asks. "Yeah. I've heard rumors of who it is, but I've heard so many different names I don't know which story to believe." Mercury says. "I know who is it." Emerald says. "Care to tell me?" Mercury asks. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." Emerald asks. "I'll do my best." Mercury says. "It's Celsius." Emerald says. "Okay I don't believe you." Mercury says. "How could I get one of the best fighters in this organization as my partner? I mean, Cinder would kick my ass in combat, and Cinder is scared of Celsius and her fighting skills." "Don't know. Maybe you should ask Cinder." Emerald asks. "Hey, I gotta go. Good luck!" Emerald says, getting into a car with her partner. It takes off and White Fang rookies close the garage doors.

"Mercury, Cinder would like to see you." Someone says. Mercury turns around and follow the person to Cinder.

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