Chapter 4

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Apple Buck rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and looked at Bubble Berry. "Sweepy Bell, wake up! He's here!" Apple Buck said getting out of his bed. Sweepy Bell woke up as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, looked at Bubble Berry, and gasped. "Sweet Celestia!" Sweepy Bell muttered. Pinkie Pie rubbed her head to sooth the pain, and said "Ooh, what in Equestria's name was that?" "Trixie." Bubble Berry said looking inside his brown bag. "Don't know what got into her." Apple Buck pulled on Bubble Berry's tail, and he said "Hello Bubble Berry. I'm Apple Buck." Sweepy Bell got out of his bed, walked over to Bubble Berry, and said "And my name is Sweepy Bell. How do you do?" Apple Buck looked inside Bubble Berry's brown bag, and saw Trixie glaring up at the ponies. "Oh, look! A firefly!" Apple Buck said. "A pixie!" Pinkie Pie said looking inside the bag. "Amazing! Sweepy Bell said. "Pinkie Pie, you are a big, ugly pony!" Trixie yelled out, but Pinkie Pie could not hear her. "What's the pixie doing?" Apple Buck asked. "Talking." Bubble Berry said.

"What did she say?" Pinkie Pie asked. "She said you are a big, ugly pony." Bubble Berry said as Trixie flew out of the bag. Pinkie Pie frowned at the comment, but she shrugged it off, and said "Well, I think she's lovely." "Well, come on, Pinkie Pie, let's go!" Bubble Berry said pulling on Pinkie Pie's hoof. "Where are we going?" Apple Buck asked as he and Sweepy Bell followed their sister. "To Rainbow Falls." Pinkie Pie said. "Rainbow Falls!" Apple Buck said smiling. "Bubble Berry's taking us!" Pinkie Pie said. Bubble stopped in his tracks, and said "Us?" "Well, of course." Pinkie Pie said. "I couldn't go without Apple Buck and Sweepy Bell." "Oh, I should like very much to cross swords with some real pony buccaneers." Sweepy Bell said. "Yeah. And fight pony pirates too." Apple Buck said. "Well, all right." Bubble Berry said. "But you gotta take orders." "Aye aye, sir." Sweepy Bell said as he nodded. Apple Buck nodded, and said "Me too." "But how do we get to Rainbow Falls?" Pinkie Pie asked. "We fly, of course!" Bubble Berry said.

"Fly?" Pinkie Pie asked. "It's easy!" Bubble Berry said. "All you have to do is to...that's funny." "What's the matter?" Pinkie Pie asked. "Don't you know?" "Oh, sure." Bubble Berry said. "It's just that I never thought about it before." He then smiled, and said "Say, that's it! You think of a wonderful thought!" "Any happy little thought?" Pinkie Pie and Sweepy Bell asked at the same time. Bubble Berry nodded, and said "Uh-huh." "Like toys at Hearts Warming Eve?" Pinkie Pie asked. "Sleigh bells? Snow?" Sweepy Bell asked. Bubble Berry nodded, and said "Yep! Watch me now. Here I go!" As Bubble Berry flew in the air, he said "It's as easy as pie!" "He can fly!" Pinkie Pie said. "He can fly!" Sweepy Bell said. "He flew!" Apple Buck said. Bubble Berry landed on Pinkie Pie's bed, and said "Now you try." "I'll think of a merpony lagoon underneath a magic moon." Pinkie Pie said. "I'll think I'm in pony pirates cave." Sweepy Bell said. "I think I'll be a pony indian brave." Apple Buck said.

"Now, everypony try." Bubble Berry said as he held onto Pinkie Pie, Sweepy Bell, and Apple Buck. "One, two, three!" He threw them in the air as they said "We can fly! We can fly! We can fly!" They suddenly fell down, and landed on the bed. Trixie laughed at them so hard that she fell of a block. As Pinkie Pie, Sweepy Bell, and Apple Buck recovered from the fall, Bubble Berry looked at them, and said "This won't do. What's the matter with you? All it takes is faith and trust." He thought for a minute, and said "Oh! And something I forgot! Dust!" "Dust?" Pinkie Pie asked." "Dust?" Sweepy Bell asked. Bubble Berry grabbed Trixie, sprayed her magic on Pinkie Pie, Sweepy Bell, and Apple Buck, and said "Yep, just a little bit of breezie dust." Once Bubble Berry finished spraying the breezie dust on Pinkie Pie, Sweepy Bell, and Apple Buck, he said "Now think of the happiest things. It's the same as having wings!" Apple Buck thought up a happy thing, and started to float. As Pinkie Pie jumped up, and started to float, she said "Let's all try it just once more!" As Sweepy Bell started to float, he said "Look! We're riding off the floor!" "Jiminy!" Apple Buck said. "Oh my!" Pinkie Pie said. "We can fly!" "You can fly!" Bubble Berry said as he jumped up and flew in the air. "We can fly!" Pinkie Pie, Sweepy Bell, and Apple Buck said at the same time. "Come on, everypony! Here we go!" Bubble Berry said. "Off to Rainbow Falls!" Then Bubble Berry, Pinkie Pie, Sweepy Bell, and Apple Buck flew out the window, much to the shock of Winona.

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