Chapter 12

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Later that night on Discord's ship, Gummy was swimming around in circles in the water, waiting for the chance to get a taste of the captain of the ship. In the captain's quarters, Discord was sitting in his chair with an ice pack on his head, wrapped in a green, and his legs were dipped in a bucket of hot water. He sniffled as he said "That cursed Bubble Berry. Making a fool out of me!" He then sneezed real hard, and grabbed his head as he moaned in pain, and said "Oh! My head!" Suddenly, he heard banging outside his door, and he started to get irritated. Oustide the captain's quarters, Snips was nailing a sign with the words 'Quiet. Do not disturb.' written on a piece of paper. Then, Sunset Glare went up to Snips while holding a kettle full of hot water as he hummed a tune, and said "Your hot water, Mr. Snips." Snips shushed him as he said "The poor captain has a splitting headache. We mustn't annoy him." Discord opened the door, and tried to hit Snips. but the unicorn sidekick who was unaware of what had happened wacked him on the head with the hammer, and the captain tumbled back onto his chair.

Snip stepped inside the captain's quarters as he almost tripped on the door, but quickly recovered. He looked at Discord as he said "Well, Captain Discord, it's nice to see you smiling again." He straighten the captain out, and placed a thermometer in his mouth as he said "Brings back the good old days when we were leading a healthy, normal life. Scuttling ships, cutting throats. Oh captain, why don't we put to sea again?" As he began pouring hot water into the bucket, he said "You know, there's trouble brewing on the island. Mare trouble." As the temperature on the thermometer started to rise, he said "I wouldn't want this to go any farther, but the cook told me that the first mate told him that he heard that Bubble Berry has banished Trixie." Suddenly, the thermometer reached the tip, and it bursted as Discord screamed in pain, and jumped up in the air. Once he landed on the ground, he prepared to hit Snips as he said "WHY YOU DODDERING IMBECILE, I-" He stopped yelling when he realized what his sidekick as he said "Did you say Bubble Berry has banished Trixie?" "Aye, aye, captain." Snips said. "Yes." "But why?" Discord asked. "On account of Pinkie Pie." Snips said. "Trixie tried to do her in. Trixie's terrible jealous."

Discord smirked as he said "Well, well." "That's why we ought to leave, Captain Discord." Snips said. "This ain't no place for a respectable pirate." "That's it, Snips!" Discord said "That's it!" Thinking that his captain agreed with him, he said "I'm glad you agree, Captain Discord." "Quick, my coat!" Discord said. "My best dress coat." "Aye, aye, sir!" Snips said as he gave Discord his red dress coat. "The sooner we get going, the better!" "Ah, yes." Discord said as he put his dress coat on. "A jealous female can be tricked into anything! My case of hooks!" Snips gave him a box filled with gold hooks as he said "Aye, aye, sir! Here you are sir. Your Sunday set, sir!" Discord picked out his gold hook, took out the silver one, and placed in the stump as he said "If we impress the breezie, convince her we're eager to help her, the female may chart our course to a certain hiding place!" "Our best hiding place is in the Spanish Main sir." Snips said as he started to leave. "I'll set our course-!" He was stopped by Discord who grabbed him by the tail as he said "And where do you think you are going?" "To tell the stallions we sail with the tide, sir." Discord shook his head as he said "You will go ashore, pick up Trixie, and bring her to me. UNDERSTAND?!?!" "Aye, aye, sir!" Snips said in fear as he got into the lifeboat, and started rowing to shore.

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