Moving Day

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A smile spread across my lips as I stepped out of my fathers black range rover. That smile didn't dare wipe itself off of my lips as I closed the door. Normally people wouldn't smile over school. However I am not normal. I am far from normal. If anything I love school. I love the freedom it gives me. I love the life that it gives me and I love the knowledge it gives me. Here at Montgomery Heights your dreams aren't out of reach. Anything is literally possible here as it holds anything from the performing arts to classes such as criminal justices studies. 

"Jeeze's girl how many boxes did you pack?"

My dad's heavy complaint fell from the back of the fancy car that's parked inside of the students parking lot.

"A lot. Most of it is just clothes to be honest with ya."

I shrugged as I picked a medium sized box.

My father followed my movement only he picked a larger sized box as his more built body would allow him to add more weight within his arms.

 As I walked I peaked past the box and took in my surroundings. The beautiful september air allowed the breeze to feel just right. The sun shown brighter than ever which allowed smiles to be seen all around. Laughter blended in with the chirping birds that remained high above us within the hallow trees that rested around the campus woods.

Friends reconnected after a long summer's apart as they joined in on hugs and hand shakes. My smile grew even bigger as I just couldn't wait for that moment to come when I would see my friends. I haven't gotten to see them all summer as we all have been busy with family stuff.

"I still can't believe that your college holds a fountain in their courtyard. Now that's just amazing."

As my father's voice broke through my observance I stopped my walk to take a look at what my school is mostly known for. It's fountain. It's been around for ages. It's beautifully sculptured angle makes it almost have a cemetery vibe. The water falls from it's wings that remain closed as it wraps around its light gold painted body. Hence to the angle that rested on top of a porch , the fountain then got it's name. It's not an official name however everyone always calls it the fountain of youth. As at the beginning of every year we make a wish and toss a penny into it. Then at the end of the year we come back and talk about what we wished for and we try to see if what we wished for has come true and if it hasn't we would try to make that come true within the following year to come.

"Yeah it is beautiful."

I agreed as I admired it's beauty. Only it's beauty was soon interrupted as some kids where standing on it's edges messing around. I shook my head as one kid looked like he was about to jump into it. He held his arms out like he was gonna fly. However the kid had a change of heart. His deep laughter filled the courtyard but he quickly tried to jump down. It was then as he tried to jump down it was when we all heard it. The splash. More laughters overpowered his as he screamed and fell into the cold water. I couldn't help but to laugh myself. That jerk got what was coming for him.

My father stared from behind as he got a taste of what it is that I will be living with for the next school year.

I shook my head and decided it was time to embark on our long journey of moving box's back and forth. Within a couple of hours the last box finally remained in the back of my father's car. We both stood there with our tired arms across our chest.

"So I guess this is it then."

My father tiredly stated.

"Yes the last box. Who's gonna take it?"

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