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"Within this time I would like all of you to study this case. I want you all to look upon his actions and try your best to recognize as to why the whole world thinks he's back."

I tried not to flinch away as a disturbing image of Maria's murder was placed against the projector. I automatically know it's him just by the fact that her heart is cut out of her chest. I didn't even need to look to know that it's placed onto the headboard of her queen sized bed. Her white sheets are decorated with her own blood. Those stains won't ever come out as the pool that she rested in is just to deep to even try to save. Of course a knife is placed in the middle of the heart. To match it all up the real heart is placed in between a heart that's spray pained into the wooden material. The worst part is he always leaves his initials. JM carved into the wood where the painted heart rested.

I sighed as I tried to think just what his actions are upon his attack. Why would he go after Maria? What did she ever do to him? Did she serve him a burnt meal? Or was she just in the wrong place at the wrong time? The last question seems more accurate than the rest.

"Yes Harison what do you think his motives where? Why did he attack her? Was it intensional or was it a spear the moment type of thing?"

I peaked over to the left where the crowd mostly sat. A blonde haired boy with dark eyes and glasses gently placed his hand up.

"Yes sir so I believe that he could have attacked her because he wanted to make a come back? He could have been bored and wanted to start over?"

Harison began to explain his not so bad theory only to be cut off by an obnoxious Cody.

"Or maybe he just thought she was hot? Hey I don't blame the dude."

Cody shrugged causally which caused some laughs from all around the classroom.

"Alright enough if you think this is funny , then your dead wrong as this is no laughing matter. Although that could possibly be a reason but we all know McCann just doesn't go killing people because he think's there attractive. There's always a motive. Let's look at this case that happened back in 2010 for example."

I shook my head at Cody. Poor Harrison he could never get a word in because every time he speaks Cody always cuts him off.

"Okay so can someone tell me why McCann doesn't attack a woman just because she's attractive? If this case doesn't explain it then I don't know what will."

Mr. Henderson sighed as he changed the slide. It was only then that I realized what case he just had to show. My knuckles turned white as they gripped the desk. My face probably turned white as my eyes scanned against a  picture of my mother's murder. 

"That's easy, it's because attractiveness doesn't matter to that beast. I don't know exactly what his motives are however attacking a mother shows that this guy holds no mercy. He will attack anything that gets in his way. He needs control over the things he loves and the people he cares about. If something or someone gets in the way of what he wants he will kill. Therefore Mrs. Young had to go through something that no mother should have ever had to go through just because she got in the way of getting to her daughter."

The whole class fell silent as Harison finally got his final say. Cody didn't even say anything. I could feel why though as all eyes landed upon me. I just froze as I didn't know what to do or say. All I knew was anger was starting to rise. Not because Harison called me out , or not because they had to bring my mother's case into this lesson , it was because of him.

"Yes Harison. That is correct. If most killers don't get what they want they either find a way to get what they want or they kill and toucher the person or thing or animal that is getting in their way. I am sorry Serenity that this had to happen to you. I am very appreciative that you are allowing us to review this as a study. Okay onto the next question, now that we know what McCann kills for why do you think he killed Maria?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2016 ⏰

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