Wait For You

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“I’ll spend eternity waiting for you.”

     He knew me before I knew myself.

    I met him when I was six. He came to me in my dreams. At the time, I didn’t know I was dreaming, I hadn’t even known I’d fallen asleep. I was walking alongside a gravel road. I wasn’t wearing any shoes, and the rocks were cutting into my tender feet. My longhair was matted against my head, and there was blood. Lots of blood. It covered my dress and skin; it was everywhere, flowing from my head.

   As I’d walked, I kept hearing a low whistling. It sounded so far away, and I desperately desired to find the source of it. Walking turned into running as I passed through the darkness. I let my feet guide me, my mind calling out to the whistler.

  “Bae,” a soft voice called. It was still so far away.

  “Hello?” I called out, still searching.

  “Come find me, Bae.”

   As his voice faded out, there was a loud beeping noise. And light. It was so, so bright. I turned to find its source, only to come face-to-face with a speeding truck.

   I’m only dreaming, I thought, it can’t hurt me here.

  In a matter of seconds, the truck sped closer and struck. Agonizing pain rushed through me as I lurched backwards into a ditch. “I won’t let it hurt you,” he promised. “You won’t hurt for long.” The pain was gone in a matter of seconds; as my limbs lost the feverish, prickling pain, I began to rise, began to search.

   “Come find me, Bae,” the voice cooed. “Follow my voice. I’m waiting for you.”

  And so, I spent the entirety of the next twelve years searching for the boy who claimed to be waiting, who was always watching, who always knew.

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