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    At the sound of his angry voice, my eyes shot open. I was laying on my back in a patch of grass, my eyes greeted by the bright blue sky. But how had I gotten here?

   “You pulled us here!” He hissed.

  “WHY,” I shouted, “ARE YOU YELLING AT ME?” Rolling to my side, I shot a glare at Braylon, who was laying on his back next to me. His jaw was set, his brows furrowed. He avoided my eyes as he climbed to his feet.

   “Seriously?” I asked. “You’re not going to answer me?”

   All of a sudden, the ground began to shake and shift. As I struggled to climb to my feet, Braylon stretched a hand towards me. But, choosing to be stubborn, I didn’t take it. Instead, I dug my hands and feet into the ground—only to have it fall away.

   The land began to drop, taking me with it.

 “Braylon!” I screamed, tumbling backwards. Where did this cliff come from?

  His large, strong hands grabbed a hold of mine; the sudden jerking caused my shoulder to pop loudly. I cried out in agony as he hauled me up and over the cliff side. The grass was replaced with sharp rocks, the sky growing dark.

    “Where are we?” I asked, rubbing my shoulder.

   Braylon still didn’t answer me. Instead, he took off walking. I stood there for a moment, watching his tall, muscular frame retreat. I grew up dreaming of this boy—literally—and had never noticed how… handsome, he looked.

   “Where are you going?” I asked, racing after him. Still, no answer.

   “Braylon, if you do not answer m—“

   “I don’t know!” He shouted. His thundering voice caused me to wince; uncontrollably, I took a step away from him. He’d never scared me before. Not like that. Then again, he’d never been this angry with me either.

   Looking away from his dark eyes, I folded my arms across my chest and took off in the direction he’d been going. I glanced back once, only to find him where I’d left him. Only, not for the first time, he turned on his heels and took off running. I watched him run away from me, weaving in and out of the trees he created. This was his dream, not mine. I didn’t pull him here, he pulled me to him. Because, just like most of our dreams, I was the one left chasing after him.

      He never followed. Not that I’d expected him to.


    When I awoke, I was laying in the nurse’s office. My parents were beside me; my mother was holding my right hand as my father stood behind her, rubbing her shoulders. It was a tender moment as I noticed their subtle affectionate gestures. I was going to miss them terribly; it broke my heart to leave them behind, but I knew it was something I had to do. I couldn’t go back to that town, not yet anyway.

    “Bae?” A voice asked. My head jerked towards the doorway of the small room. A woman in white stood there with a clipboard in her hands. She had long, curly blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Unlike the counselor’s face, hers was young; she had a youthful glow about her. Perhaps it’s a pregnancy glow, I thought, noticing her tiny protruding stomach. I smiled to myself before making eye contact.


   “Are you feeling better, dear?” She asked, raising her eyebrows. For a moment I didn’t move, I just closed my eyes and took a deep breath. For the first time in a long time I felt…empty. There were no voices setting up fort within my mind, no physical pressure weighing my mind down. For once I was alone.

    “Yes,” I whispered, opening my eyes. Braylon? I called out. But, also for the first time, there was no answer. I furrowed my brows and bit my bottom lip slightly.

     I know you’re angry, I said, thinking back to the dream. But if you’re there, please say something. Anything.

    His voice never came. Once again, he was merely a dream boy that I’d spend forever chasing. And, just like he always said, he’d be waiting. Somewhere, sometime. Just not now. Because, for some reason, Braylon was always the one running.

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