Are They Here

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     We are pleased to inform you that your application to Whitley Oakshire Academy for the Gifted has been accepted.

     Accepted? But I hadn’t even applied!

    “We’re so proud of you, honey,” my mother smiled. We were sitting at the kitchen table after dinner, whenever my father had slid an envelope in front of me. I was a bit surprised that the return address belonged to the academy—after all, I was pretty sure I hadn’t even applied to the school.

    They want you there, he whispered. They don’t care if you applied or not.

     “Thank you.” I held the letter tightly in my shaking hands. Was this what it felt like to be a high-school senior receiving a college acceptance letter? In a short few months I would be required to start filling out my own applications. How scary. I was clueless whenever it came to my future—what I wanted to do, where I wanted to attend college. I wasn’t even sure if I’d graduate on time.

    After Amelia’s passing, I’d missed a lot of school, which meant I’d missed a lot of content. I wasn’t too far behind in my classes, but I wasn’t exactly catching up either.

     “You need to get in contact with the school,” my father mentioned. “There’s a lot that needs to be done.”

   “I know,” I replied, biting my bottom lip. Fear washed over me as I stared evenly into my father’s dark eyes; if everything went smoothly, I would be moving in the next few weeks. I’d officially be on my own. Still under school rules, of course, but free nonetheless.

    Don’t be scared, Baeleigh, he sighed. You’ll be fine.

“So, I heard you got in.”

    I fiddled with the hem of my shirt, running the thin cotton between my fingertips. “Yep,” I whispered into the darkness. Where were we going tonight—Paris, Sydney, Tokyo?

    As if on cue, the color rushed back into my eyes. I heard the seagulls long before I saw their pale bodies circling above. Cool, glistening water lapped at my bare feet, sending a chill up my spine. He always brought us to the beach whenever he was sad. Unlike all of the other times, however, there was a slight fog hovering above the water. The sun was beginning to set, all sorts of reds and oranges fading into black.

    “Why is everything so eerie?” I asked, scanning around me. He was nowhere in sight. I was alone on a tiny island, nothing present except me and a large palm tree. Moonlight glowed beneath the tree’s leaves, revealing a worn beach towel piled on the cool sand. Taking a seat on the rough blanket, I couldn’t contain my sigh. “Where are you?”

    Still no answer.

    “I know you’re here,” I called. I began to pick at my pajama shorts, whenever I felt his presence. “Took you long enough,” I growled, swiveling around to face him. Rather than being greeted by a smiling teen, I was greeted with a lurking shadow figure.

    “I-I-Is that you?” I asked, struggling to stand.

    The figure sighed loudly. “Yes.”

    “Why are you a shadow?” I stepped towards him, only to have the shadow to back away.

    “Don’t get too close,” he warned.

   “Why not?” I whined, furrowing my eyebrows.

    “They’re pulling me away from you, Baeleigh.” He whispered. “The closer you get, the more they pull.”

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