Falling Through Feeling pt 1

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(Unfinished chapter but I felt like I had to give you something, I seriously will try to finish this by the weekend.)

Lloyd P.O.V

I stood up from my bed and ignored the bite of cold as my warm feet gently collided with the wooden floor. I put some clothes on, since i figured i would go out today, if I were going to show my friends i wasn't some hermit crab, but I really didn't want to. I wanted to curl up under my blankets and suffocate in my own heat, or cry for my losses, or meditate until all of my problems faded to background.

I didn't want to socialize today. But I had to.

I didn't want to be stared at. But I was going to be.

I didn't want to face these weird emotions that threatened me every time I saw his face. So i was going to stay right here and do nothing...

But i would have to. curiosity killed the cat after all...that was a terrible analogy. But i needed to know who had Jay say those things. to be honest I believed it was Zane. But something in the back of my mind was whispering that maybe Kai had told him.

All throughout my possession Kai had been the constant, the friend that always stayed a bit longer, the friend that helped me break free. Only for a moment, but those few seconds of strength i gathered when I was around him helped me break free of the prison that was my own body.

But the word I kept repeating was friend. He was like a big brother, or at least that's how he saw himself. I always wanted him to be more, at one point I thought that could be Jay, then he and Nya were "in love" and I knew that was going to be a mess. So I focused on my other crush, the crush that sat too close, and stared too long. The crush that only was okay with laying on me at movie night or gripping into when things got scary, or heck holding his hand when he got stitches. The crush that only wanted to be my bestfriend.
I guess it was time to start acting like a man...A man who was technically 13...A man who also had the fate of the world on his shoulders... A man who had a crush on his brother.

Stop Thinking! I told myself then turned the door knob.

Left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot, left foot, green foot?

I looked up at non other than the ghost ninja, Cole. We stared at one another for a moment before he cleared his throat.

"Wash your hands."


"Zane, said wash your hands or get swat." he said holding up his left hand which had a red mark on it from being hit with a kitchen utensil.

I smiled slightly, but it felt weird, so I stopped and proceeded to go wash my hands in the bathroom.

After my hands had been cleaned I walked into the kitchen and I sat down at my spot in between Jay and Zane.

"So the zombie awakens?" Nya said waving her arm at me as if she were a magician.

"Only a zombie on the inside." I retorted halfheartedly.

"Well at least the green makes sense now."

"What did zombies have to do with the color green?" Zane said both confused and a matter-of-factly

"Zane, lemme educate you on zombies." Jay said leaning forward in so he could make eye contact with our titanium friend.

While the two of them hashed out what a zombie was and What the joke meant I made eye contact with Kai unexpectedly.

My green eyes locked onto his warm brown ones. He smiled lightly and I had to push the sudden gay thoughts that clouded my mind for a moment. He was my brother, my protector, not my lover or a crush.

Of coursethat was one of the saddest lies I had ever told myself. I instead focused on my dinner, which was a giant bowl of parmesan cheese pasta, with burnt chicken.

I could only guess who helped out with that.


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