Falling Through Feeling (pt 2)

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The burnt chicken reminded me of his power, everything he was capable of; which was just about everything I was not. Nibbling the food was a good decision, but led to something dumber than I thought, it sent a warm sensation throughout my whole body that encased me in a dramatic hold of love.

Maybe that was dramatic, but I would always love pasta, maybe it was the side of me that would rather put my feelings into something that wasn't alive, something that wouldn't hurt me, reject me, shun me, hate me.

A voice pulled me out of my mental tangent, seemingly far away, but that was probably me just tuning him out a skill I had acquired long ago, along with other things like guarding my soul from the outside world, A skill I apparently suck at because I every time I looked up I saw him and I didn't know what to do with myself.

Describing it is something I'd rather not do, avoiding your problems seems to work pretty well for most people unless you're in my messed up family. My father never told me or any of the others about Chen, his empire, his influence; and that had cost him his life. Sensei Wu; my uncle had not told us about his pupil Morro, I'm not even going to go over that mess.

"Yes, focus on your freaky family" I thought to myself as I continued to eat my food.

"Lloyd, you okay there, dude?" A voice asked; no not a voice, a friend, that friend; Kai.

I made a noise and looked up at him, shoveling a mouthful for pasta in my mouth, maybe he would get the message do NOT talk to me. I nodded quickly and trained my eyes on something else.

Do ever realize that just when you need to zone out or when you try, that nothing happens; you try to let your mind wander and it seems to shove you back where you started; exactly where your thoughts do not want to be. That was me in that moment.

The curtains had a hole in them, maybe that hole was letting in some extra light, what if that lights led the path of a few stray ants that had stolen food off our table to feed their queen. It wouldn't do them any good unless they like charred chicken.

Chicken charred by whom? And here I was again, stuck in this viscous cycle.

By the seventh spoonful, I came to terms with the fact that could not finish it. Jay looked at me and motioned to keep going, I did; that was the deal, but I didn't want to. Maybe I just had a small stomach, maybe I wanted to return to the lonely yet comforting silence and isolation that was my room. Maybe I was done sitting in these bright lights surrounded with chatter.

Chatter like the cursed realm, the ghosts milled about there, seemingly with no purpose, but there were a few, that stood out, they prepared for battle and whizzed past me in a blur of green. I heard the rattle of chains and turned my attention away and I bolted to the other side of the cavern, turning a corner not really noticing the way the walls contracted, and moved; like the realm itself could breathe. I came to face my father, he hung his head and sat on his knees; wrists had been cut open from the harsh pull of the chains, he looked defeated, his form shook with uncontrollable shivers of cold. I called out his name, still hoping that wouldn't be that last I saw of him; he raised his head and I looked into his eyes, but rather than light brown orbs that I was so accustomed to seeing, his eyes were dilated in fear, he shook his head and when his mouth opened water spilled out. Convulsing, choking, screaming but it was all muffled by the water that overtook him.

My stomach turned and I froze, words seemed to play in my head, some part of me knew they had never been spoken "You left me to die, you cursed me; and now it's over"

A lump formed in my throat, the words echoed and I looked up to see everyone was staring at me. The murderer; everyone was supposed to see a savior a hero even and instead they saw a quivering child, falling backwards out of my seat the hard floors caught me with no mercy, but that didn't matter, I had to; no, needed to get out; scrambling to my feet I bolted and ran into the bathroom, where I doubled over the toilet and lost myself and my thoughts in the sensation of emptying my stomach.

Shivers of heat racked my body when i plopped onto the floor with my knees pressed to my chest shaking. My cheeks grew warm as I rocked myself quickly, my throat closing up yet still releasing a pained moan from my windpipe.

It was pathetic, I was pathetic. Kicking the door closed with me feet I came up on my knees only to lock it then fall back to the floor as tears spilled from my eyes. Pressing my palms to my eyes, I tried to make it go away, but just like the water that overtook my father, there was no quick end, I couldn't stop it and neither could he; a sound escaped me; I bit down on my tongue. Squeezing my eyes shut whilst covering my mouth, I fell into an inescapable sob that racked my entire body.

I'm not sure, who put me back in my room that night, but I had found myself jerking awake in the middle of the night, startled and even more so confused, when I wasn't laying on the bathroom floor and was comfortably curled under my blankets, with a new shirt.

Sitting up I scanned the dark expanse of my room and looked to the clock that read 11: 07; about five hours from dinner, and my melt down. Groaning I rolled over and threw the blanket over my head encasing me in heat. That didn't happen, did it? Hopefully it was some horrible dream and I had fallen asleep meditating, as usual. Not wanting to come out of the covers or turn my light on, I focused energy to my palms and they glowed a dim green. My shirt had been changed from black muscle shirt to a fleece nightshirt, the same grey sweatpants were on me, and my memories were too vivid for a dream.

My thoughts were interrupted by a string of mumbling. Throwing the covers off I looked around the room again, and didn't find what I was looking for until a blanket that had been strewn on the floor moved. Reaching for the knife under the mattress, I kept my eyes on the blanket and stepped down from my bed slowly making my over to it,

"Are you actually going to stab it?" I asked myself, with all my ninja skills and experience, someone might wonder why I was even contemplating this, and I had no answer to that question or to myself.

Taking a shaking hand I yanked the blanket off and a body rolled out. Upon seeing the knife the person swiped a leg under my feet, I fell forward on top of them. The knife skittered off somewhere and they twisted our position so I lay pinned to the floor on my back looking up at warm hazel eyes.

Kai blinked a few times and stared at me, neither of us moving or saying anything.

Well shit.

(ok, so because I'm deleting the authors note, I'll say it here, this story will be updated every other Friday, unless it's a holiday, then there are no promises and you might get an update on a Saturday. SO yeah, I'm back, haven't updated any of my books in months and now i'm ready for this, this doesn't have an actual plot yet(sorry for the typos(if there are any)), so... Also not all chapters will be this sad, so if you're not into that, it'll go away soon i promise, with all that said, Have a Sparkly Day!)

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