Midnight Skies and a Hazy Mind

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"It's dark... Where am I? Who am I?"

I was facing a midnight sky. I pulled myself up to sitting position despite my pounding headache. I took in my surroundings and while crawling instead of walking I found myself at the edge of a high cliff over clusters of unfamiliar orange lights sprawled across the dark figures of buildings. I tried to think; racking my already scrambled brain to the limit before realizing: I don't remember anything. I wasn't panicked, just confused, so I lay back down, facing toward the starry midnight sky. A star directy above me twinkled as I stared at and in this, strangely, I found comfort and warmth. Very literal warmth; almost like it was right there where I could just reach out and-- huh?
"Thats my eye youre touching, Miss." Very, VERY, startled, I did an unintentional backwards barrel roll away from the strange person, which was not the best idea. "Miss are you okay?"
"N-no! Who are you? How did you find me here?"
"I've been here the whole time. And I didn't find you, YOU found me." The stranger replied with a, in my opinion, very suspicious smile. I sat silent. I didn't know who I was or where I was so I suspected this strange person was my best chance at finding out. After a while of staring he spoke again. "You must be scared and confused, but that's understandable. It was our agreement. You can live in your fantasy world, but you lose all memory of your past and who you are."
It suddenly flashed in my mind; a small fragment of memory of staring up at a bright star in the sky, "I wish...." Then it ends. The whole situation was strange and surreal, but I took my chances and chose to confide in the man. Extending my hand I said, "Well you got me into this mess, so now it's your responsibility to take care of me."
He took my hand without hesitation and led me to the edge of the cliff and looked at me with eyes mirroring the sky. Wait no that is the sky. . . .
I let out a bloodcurdling scream as fell down the cliff.

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