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"DON'T. Don't say it." I felt the stinging tears begin to form in my eyes.
He, however, sounded cheerful. "This is how a lot of people here live." He began walking to the sorry excuse for a home and I began my bad habit of pacing. I couldnt even look at him. When my anger had finally built up enough to yell at him, I turned to see a thick wad of green notes facing me. "This is the money I was talking about. There are about one hundred of these in each stack."
The number on the note said 100...100 x 100 = 10,000! I quickly grabbed his hand and put it down. In a yell whisper I said, "Are you crazy?! If people see us with this they'd rob you! And of you have so much money why are you living like a bum?!"
"I saw a lot of people living like this so I did too." He repeated.
"You're such an airhead. I can't even believe an idiot like you would have survived. Let alone without being robbed and beaten to death and for a whole week?!" I rambled on to myself then looked at him. "Do you have more?"
"Well I didn't open it, but comparing the size of one of these and the size of the bag minus the clothes J approximated about 206 in the smaller bag and 229 in the bigger one." I instantly began calculating in my head 206 + 229... "That's 4,350,000."
"You can't be serious."
"Well it is just and approximation."
"You're lying."
"Well we can count it right n--"
"NO!" I stopped him before he could make another mistake and walked over to the bags. When I moved the clothes I revealed, like he said, more stacks of green notes. I was surprised at first, but then I became suspicious; I could be dealing with a criminal. "Who are you? Where did you get all this?" I sounded as calm as I possibly could.
"Funny story," he began. "It was about three days before you came. I went inside a large housing structure to try and meet new people. It turns, out people don't like for you to open their doors. The second place I went to had three men there. One pointed a strange handheld projectile machine at my head and told me to close the door which I did. They asked me if I wanted to die and I said no. The man with the machine said, 'well then I suggest you turn around real slow, leave, and act like you ain't see nothing.' I was going to do this but then a loud ringing sound outside and the men became frantic and said 'Oh shit! Its the police!' And stuffed the rest of the stacks in the bag and looked at me. He said 'you look like a strong boy. If you help us we'll give you one of these. Take em to the back.' I accepted and took two bags. The man with the projectile machine told me if they come back and don't see me that they'll kill me. I jumped out the window to the back of the building. I heard a loud sound so I looked around the corner to see what happened. One of the men had gotten shot in the abdomen and the other two were bound. What I suppose was a police said 'You are under arrest for murder and armed robbery. You have the right to remain silent. You're never getting out of jail buddy.' So I just waited there for them to come back on this mat here."
I was struck silent. This man is and idiot.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2016 ⏰

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