She Had The World

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An: The next few titles may be from the album Pretty Odd, because those are the songs im listening to right now.....

      When I woke up, I heard voices. I look over to see pretty much everyone sitting and talking. "Anilah! Your up!" Brendon smiles at me. I smile back, still tired. I don't know Brendon very well, just a little bit through my father. He would do chores and stuff for money sometimes. He has always been so kind. Then he came to every door in the neighborhood explaining to us that he had found somewhere amazing, and he wanted to bring us all along. So here we are.

"Can we go look in the buildings now?" I asked. Brendon walked over to me, extending his hand out to pull me up. I grab it firmly, raising to my feet.

"Sure. I can take you, just ask your dad," he said. I rolled my eyes.

"Im 18. I don't need to ask for his permission," I explain. He chuckles.

"That's not the point. It would be polite. So, I think you should," he raises his eyebrows, awaiting for my response.

"Fine," I sigh, walking over to my dad. "Daddy?"

"What is it this time?" He turns towards me, a smile streched across his face. I haven't seen him this happy in a long time. After my mom disapeared, he had always been so gloomy. It was depressing.

"Do you mind if I go with Brendon to explore? Please?" I ask. He chuckles a little.

"Go ahead, just be back soon, please." I nod, rushing over to Brendon.

"Im guessing he said yes?" He smiled. I nodded, running over to the first building I saw. It's so clean, and big. Its amazing. I can't believe it.

"Wow," I breathe.

"Just wait till you get inside," Brendon smiles, his eyes crinkling. He looks cute, attractive. Ive always found myself to be attracted to Brendon. We are the same age, after all. Maybe 2 years apart? If that. I reach for the door nob, and wrip open the door, stepping inside. Darkness. That's it. My heart deflates a bit, but then, I hear a little "switch" and lights line up throughout the building. "Like it?" He asks, walking over to me, and wrapping and arm around my shoulder, looking around the room himself.

"Yes! Its amazing!" I run to the stair case running up them, and reaching the highest floor I could. I ran into the door closeset to me. When I get inside I gasp. "Oh my god!" There is a bed with an aqua blue blanket covering it, a window above it, showing the beautiful sky. Multiple orniments hang around the ceiling.

"Are you okay?" Brendon rushes in, "I heard you say Oh my g-" he stops looking around the room, a smile spreading across his face. "Do you want this room to be yours?" He asks. I nod furiously. "I picked mine, its right next to this one," he said.

We stay silent for a moment, before I whisper, "Im gonna like it 

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