That Green Gentleman (Things Have Changed)

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    When everyone settled in, I had found out that my father and sister were staying in a building all the way down the street from mine. Im not complaining, just suprised. I thought he would be more protective, making me stay with him. Maybe, now that we are in a newer and safer enviorment, I can finally be the adult I am.

I hear 3 soft knocks on the door of my bedroom. "Hello?" I smile at his voice. Brendon.

"Come in!" I shout. He opens the door, walking in and folding his hands behind his back, rocking back and forth on his feet. "Yeah? Is everything okay?" I ask. He nods.

"Everyone is having dinner down the street at the Dining Hall," he smirks at the word. "You need to eat, so, come on." He comes over to my bed, pulling me up by the arm and dragging me out of my room. 'My' room. Mine, and no one elses.

"Brendon, can't I at least change!?" I ask. He stops, looking down at my long pajama pants and tank top.

"mmmmm, no. You will be fine. Come on," I groan, earning a chuckle from him.


When we get to the Dining hall, I am suprised by the amount of food. Ussually, I would only have crackers and maybe some bread, If I was lucky. But this! There are tables full of food. All hot and steamy, mmm. "Isn't it great?" Brendon asks, nudging me. I nod, smiling. "You know, there are some more people down the road a little, they don't know we are here, yet. I was wandering, if you want, you could come with me? I don't want to go alone and-" I stop him, touching his arm.

"I would love to Brendon. Also, can I sit by you while we eat? Please?" His smile grows wide, and his eyes crinkle. Adorable.

"I was going to ask you if you would. I would absoulutely love that, Anilah." I smile at him, then go to the rows of food, scavenging through the delicious choices.


After only getting a small amount of food (I know, wierd right? I get the chance to stuff my face, but choice not to?) Im just not really hungry, honestly. Im so used to not eating much. "Really? That's it?" Brendon asks, sitting across from me. I nod. "You need to eat Anilah. I don't want you to starve," he warns. I nod.

"Im just not used to eating alot, thats it." He nods. I look over to his plate, which is piled high with all sorts of meat and vegetables. "You look hungry," I laugh. He nods, wiping his face free from meat sauce.

" I am, very very hungry." We both share a laugh, then finish our dinner.


"You ready?" Brendon shouts from outside my room.

"Yeah, just a second!" I pull my backpack onto my back, and walk out the door, seeing Brendon leaning against the wall.

"A backpack? We are just going down the street," he chuckles. I slap his arm, playfully of course.

"Its full of water. I get thirsty, alot," I laugh.

"Cmon'" He says. -;)-

We walk down the stairs to the main part of our building and then out the front doors. I haven't really gotten a chance to observe the buildings around me, so I take my time to do that now, and they really are outstanding, honestly.

After about ten minutes of walking, Brendon abrubptly stops, making me slam into his back. I gasp, falling back onto my butt. He turns around, giving me a sympathectic look. I just glare back him, taking his hand to pull me back up. "were here," he says, gulping while looking up at the tall builiding. "You knock," he says. I raise my eyebrows at him.

"Is the big bad Brendon to scared to knock on a door?" I tease him. He glares, inhaling, before walking up to the big door and knocking 3 times. You can hear scurrying inside, and then the door opens revealing someone I never thought I would see again. My mother. 

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