Time To Dance:

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  I take a step away from the door, almost stumbling. "Anilah?" She whispers. My eyes water, and I turn in the other direction, hearing Brendon shout my name from behind me. I don't stop, or turn around. I just want to forget this. My mom left us. I thought bad people had taken her, monsters. But no. She had just left because she knew this was a better place, and she didn't bother to take us with her. I can't believe this. What if my father knew all along?

I can feel the tears pouring out of my eyes, and I try to wipe them away. Finally, I get to my house, and I run up the stairs and to my bedroom. I slam the door. Brendons shouts echo all throughout the house as he runs to my door knocking on it repeadetly. "Anilah! Anilah! What's wrong? Cmon' please open up! Please." I don't answer him, instead I bury my face in my pillow and sob. I can't believe how over whelming this is. I have never felt like this before. I fall asleep to the sound of my sobs and Brendons pounding of the door and his cries for me.


When I wake up, the sky is bright, and my face is sticky with tears. There are no more knocks, and I feel emotionless, but I know I need to talk to my father. And, even though I don't want to admit it, my mother. I cringe.

I slowly get out of bed, and walk over to my door. My head throbs with every step I take. That's what I get, for crying myself to sleep. When I open the door, Brendon falls in. I scream, and he jerks awake. "Anilah!" he gasps. I look down at him, as he scrambles to his feet. "Anilah! Please tell me what wrong? Please!" Hes just as eager as earlier. "How did that woman know who you are? Please tell me? I just want to help you." He pleads. I can't leave him wandering like this.

"Cmon'" I take his arm, leading him back into my room, and setting him on the bed. I walk across the room, turning on the light, and sitting beside him on my bed. "That woman, well, she was-um is- my, well-" I start to tear up again, and I bite my lip to keep myself from crying. He sets his hand on my knee, and I stare at his knuckles. Anywhere but his face.

"You can tell me. I need to know. I need to help you." He whispers. I nod, wiping away my tears and continuing.

"She was my mother," I whisper. His eyes widen, and he grasps my hands. "I-I thought she had died. I thought she was taken away. Ever since I was 12. Fucking 12. But no. She just left us to come here." I let out a sob, and Brendon wraps a soothing arm around me.

"Shhhh. Please don't cry. We don't ever have to go back to them again. You don't have to see her. Its okay. Its okay, Anilah." He coos. His hand skims my cheek, wiping away my tears. I look up, meeting his eyes. His eyes are a beautiful dark brown. Like chocolate. Our faces get closer, leaning in and in. Our noses skim each other, and our lips almost meet, when I hear the door jerk open.

Brendon and I quickly part, to see my little sister and Spencer at the door. "Well okay then!" Spencer says, walking out the door. She stands there for A bit, before running out the door, screaming.

"Anilah and Brendon were kissing! Anilah and Brendon were kissing!" I blush a deep red, and Brendon does as well. Wow. 

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