Picking Up My Broken Pieces

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(Mark p.o.v.)
"Mark! What happened?"
I look up at my mother, who is standing in her doorstep.
"Can I come in?"
"Come in sweetie, come in."
She pulls me inside and sits me down on the couch. Then I see my brother walk into the room with a worried look as she sits down next to me.
"Honey, what happened?"
Then I lost it. I started sobbing in front of my family.
"Is she okay?"
I shrug and nod a little.
"Did she break up with you?"
I shake my head.
"Did you break up with her?"
I slowly nod a little.
"But why?"
I didn't respond. I couldn't. Instead I just kept sobbing and started shaking harder as she pulled me into a hug.
"It's okay honey. We can talk later. Right now let's just get you cleaned up."
I felt like a small child, crying while being wrapped in my mother's arms. But right now, I needed it. I couldn't stop sobbing and shaking. She gently pulled me up as walked me into the kitchen where she started to make some tea. While she did that, my brother came over and wrapped his arms around me in a side hug.
"You'll be okay."
It was nice being the little brother sometimes. Because Tom was there to support you no matter what and was always right there to catch you when you fell down, like I was right now.
I nodded a little as he started pulling out some food.
"So, I'm guessing you're staying for dinner?"
I nod.
"C-Can I m-maybe stay here f-for a bit? I...I-I don't want t-to go back to L-L.A."
My mom walked over and gave me a hug.
"You can stay as long as you like."

(Signe p.o.v.)
"I just called her friends and none of them have seen her."
"Mark isn't back either. Do you think something's happened to them?"
"I'm sure they're fine. I'd like to believe that anyways."
We were all at Mark, Ryan, and Matt's house, and everyone that was left was in a panic. They had been gone for 5 hours now.
Ryan: That's it, I'm calling Mark again.
Signe: You do that.
We all kept discussing where they may have gone when Ryan yelled out.
Ryan: He picked up!
We all went over as he put it on speaker.
Mark: Hey guys, I'm sorry I didn't say where I was going. I couldn't find her, so...I got a plane ticket to Cincinnati. I'm going to be boarding any minute. So, I'm going to be gone for a bit. So...
We hear him sigh, a little shaky.
Mark: Can I talk to Lindsey?
We all exchange looks before I respond.
Signe: We haven't found her yet.
Mark: W-What do you mean you haven't found her? It's been hours... Is she picking up her phone?
Signe: No.
Ryan: We're looking man.
He didn't respond. But we heard soft sniffles and whimpers over the phone. He was crying.
Mark: I didn't mean for this to happen...I thought...I thought...
Signe: Just shut up. We need to keep looking for her. Goodbye.
Then I angrily walked into the next room and looked out the window. I heard footsteps and turned to see a sad looking Jack.
Jack: You okay?
Signe: Well, my friend is missing after that asshole broke her heart. So no, I'm really not.
I turned to face the window again as he stepped a bit closer.
Signe: I'm really scared, Jack. What if something's happened to her?
Jack: Well, once it's been 24 hours, we can go to the police. If it comes to that, we'll do it. (Just saying, I'm not sure if that's how it actually works, but for the sake of this, it is).
Signe: I hope it doesn't.
Jack: Me too. In the meantime, maybe lighten up of Mark. He's clearly heartbroken-
Signe: Why should I? If he hadn't been so stupid, none of this would've happened anyways.
Jack: He had a breakdown, Signe. A lot has happened since we last visited.
Signe: Like what?
He paused for a moment.
Mark: He tried to kill himself, Signe. For similar reasons that he said he left Lindsey. He was scared that he'd hurt her. He thinks if he's out of her life then he won't be able to.
Tears started to come to my eyes as I turned to face Jack.
Signe: I'm sorry.
Jack: It's okay.
He pulled me in for a hug.
Jack: It's okay.

7 hours

I rang Lindsey's doorbell. We had checked her house about an hour after they had left and she wasn't there. I thought I'd check again, but again, nobody answered. I was about to leave when I noticed the door was a little open and unlocked. I cautiously opened it and stepped into the house. It looked like some things had been moved, and some taken. But it didn't seem like a thief, all the valuables were left, but the photo albums and clothes were gone. She had been here. Since I had checked before too! I quickly pulled it my phone.
Signe: Jack! She's been in here! Her clothes and photos are gone.
Jack: Shit! We missed her. Keep looking, okay?
Signe: Okay.
Jack: I love you.
Signe: I love you too.

(Brooke p.o.v.)
I walked to the door after I heard the knocking. I opened it to see a girl with red hair and a beanie and hoodie. Then she looked up at me and I recognized it as my sister. What was she doing in Arizona? She looked awful. She had bags under her red and puffy eyes, and she looked like she had been outside for a while.
Brooke: Lindsey?
Lindsey: H-Hey...can I come in?

A/N: So, this is the first chapter in my first sequel. Now that's quite a few firsts. This was mainly just set up so it's shorter, crappier, and not as much is going on, so sorry about that. But nothing to fear, because the next chapter will (hopefully) be a lot more interesting. So, I hope you enjoy it. Until next time...

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