Funny Thing that Happened + Story Time! A/N

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Explanation as to what this is at the end (also in bold).

So, I just wanted to write a little thing. I might not even actually post this, so if I do, I'm sorry for disturbing you with whatever the hell this is. I'm just kind of writing this because some funny stuff happened and I wanna talk about it. So, recently, I was hanging out with a friend. And I have apparently been talking way too much about my girlfriend and the puppies and just home life in general because I mentioned something along those lines and she was just kind of like, "shut up about it already." (Obviously, not in those exact words. She's not a total dick). And I was confused and she was just kind of like, "dude, we get it. You're gay." (I swear, I'm not intentionally quoting Ashley Mardell, although that video is amazing). So yeah, apparently it comes up way to much. I'm working on it. But the funny part was then she said I was like, and I quote, "Danny Sexbang in the "If We Were Gay" video, if he was a weird, Chinese girl." I absolutely lost it and am officially making that my bio on everything because that is beautiful. I am not even kidding. Wattpad, Twitter, I'm adding that. So yeah, that was pretty funny. And, if you haven't checked out that music video or Ninja Sex Party in general, you have not lived life to its full potential. Go watch it. It's hilarious.
We also then talked about when we were in high school and such (this friend was like my partner in crime in high school and she still kind of is, but less crime (I'm kidding, obviously)). And then she went on to talk about when I was staying over at her house and thought her parents were being murdered. Again, probably not going to post this, but I'll tell the story anyways because like I said before, it's funny stuff. So, this was freshman year and I was sleeping over at her house. And at like 1 in the morning, I start to hear noises. They progressively get louder and louder and sound like someone might be in pain (some of you might already know where this is going). So, naturally, I went downstairs to investigate. So I go downstairs and hear that these noises are coming from her parents room, and I hear something that sounds like slapping (this story is getting worse and worse). Now, I was sooooo stupid, and didn't figure out what was going on. I was in absolute panic (not at the disco, before anybody references that) because I thought somebody had broken in and was hurting her parents (I was really tired and out of it, give me a break). Now since I had known these people most of my life (in the states that is), it was okay with them if I came into the room usually if I needed something. So I grab a lamp (yes you heard me correctly, a LAMP), and barged into their room, lamp in hand, to see (as most of you have probably already figured out by now) her parents, naked, in bed, doing the nasty. So pretty much, in summary, my friend decided to bring up the time that I walking in on her parents fucking while wielding a lamp. This was (let me count) 7 years ago. She still brings it up. Why...? So that's probably the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to me. What about you? Well, if I ever post this, I might just go and off myself.

Before I say anything else, I came across the video at the top. So awesome! I wish I could do that! It's so cool! Especially when it hits the drop! Just thought I'd share that with you guys, seeing as I'm sharing a bunch of other stuff.

So, you just beheld something I wrote a little while ago (not that long ago, pretty recently, but still). I wasn't going to post it, and it was kind of like a "lost chapter" of sorts, but came across it and thought it was kind of funny. I did add a few things to it (like the changing my bio which I am probably going to do. That's funny shit), but I didn't delete or change anything. So you can behold it in all it's awful glory. And since I have now shared the worst and most humiliating memory, what are some of yours? There is clearly no judgement here (right? Or am I being judged very harshly right now?). Either way, please share!
But anyways, I hope you got a little enjoyment out of that at least. I'm still working on the next chapter as usual, I'm just posting this because, as I said, found it and thought it was funny. Also, if you did enjoy this, do you think I should do more? I was actually thinking recently of doing a separate book with stuff like this. Rants and stories and such. I thought it could spark some interesting conversations and just be a fun thing to do. I dunno. Let me know what your thoughts would be. (Also, if I did do that, it wouldn't mean I update my actually stories any less. It would just be something off to the side to update when something interesting comes up, just FYI).
Okay, I think I'm done for now. So, until next time...

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