Chapter 1

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Dippers pov. I woke up and realised me and Mabel were going to be late for the first day of school! I saw she was awake and downstairs I quickly got dressed and ran downstairs. I saw Grunkle Ford and Grunkle Stan sitting eating breakfast. With Mabel I then got to the table and started to eat. When I finished I got my backpack so did Mabel. And we left when we arrived we saw a group of kids that looked familiar. I had it on the tip of my young until they walked to me then said. It's the weakling then they started to punch me and kick me. I saw Mabel and she just ran I got really mad and upset for her leaving me like that. Then she came back with a teacher and the teacher yelled. Get off that child! They immediately did and Mabel came to help me up. I had bruises and a black eye. When we headed to the nurses office we could here the teacher scolding the kids. We made it to the nurses office and when she looked at me she said. Dear Neptune what happened? A group of kids started kicking and punching me. I responded well let's get you all healed up okay? I nodded and Mabel sat next to me I laid my head on her shoulder. While the nurse started putting medication on me. When she finished she put a cloth on my eye and said we could leave. We said thank you and left. Then we heard the first bell for our first class which is science. Then guess who was in the same class as me? The group of kids who beat me up earlier this morning. When they saw me they looked at me with angry eyes. I gulped then me and Mabel saw two empty seats next to each other. We sat at those tow seats and our teacher came in. When science finished.

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