Chapter 2

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Dippers POV. When science finished we walked out of the room and I was pushed against the wall. Then I saw it was the biggest kid of the group I asked. What do you want? For you to perish throughout the school year. Then he snapped his fingers and he pushed me on the floor then his gang started punching me, kicking me, and spitting on me. Then Mabel yelled. Get off of him! They looked at her and started walking towards her but I yelled. Leave her alone you no hearted dummies! Then they stopped and the biggest one asked. What did you call us? You heard me. I said then they looked at me and smiled coldly. Then the biggest one picked me up and threw me in my locker and then locked it. They laughed and left dipper! Mabel shouted. I am okay just get a teacher please. She ran off then I heard someone running to me. Then my locker opened and I was free. Mabel ran and hugged me then asked. Are you okay? Yeah just in a lot of pain that's all. She said after that. Dipper I could never ask for a more braver and kinder brother ever. Then she told the teacher what I did for her. The teacher then said that she was right about me being a kind a brave brother. And that because I did that I was going to be safe and this problem is going to be taken care of. I nodded good now head to class you don't want to be late. I smiled then we went to math. After math we had lunch there were no more seats. And so I decided to eat on the floor. When someone picked up my tray and put it on my face then. I stood up and everyone started to laugh at me. I then saw Mabel coming out with her tray and she looked at me. She then put her tray down on a table and ran to me. I ran away to the boys bathroom and looked at the mirror. I had food all over my face and my clothes were ruined. Can this day get any worse? I thought then the door opened and I saw the group again and they started to laugh at me. Then the biggest one picked me up and threw me back down on the floor then he picked me up again and threw me. Against the wall I saw them leaving and laughing I tried to get up but I was to weak to move. I tried to yell until I saw a male teacher come in and help me he carried me out of the bathroom and Mabel saw me. She said it is going to be okay I will be fine. I nodded and moments later I was in the nurses office. Where she put me on a bed and asked Mabel to sit next to me she did and said. Dipper are you okay what happened to you? I tried to speak but I was to tired. Then the nurse came back and said that our Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford were coming to pick me up. I nodded and Mabel hugged me then said. Goodbye Dipper don't worry the teachers said they are going to keep an eye on me. So I won't get hurt. I nodded then when the first bell rang she kissed me in the head and said see you later Dipper. La-later m-mabel. She left then a couple minutes later Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford arrived. And when they saw me. They had a look of terror on there faces and Grunkle Stan said. Let's get you home kid and heal you up. I nodded then he carried me outside and into the car I fell asleep.

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