Bonding time?

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We all climb into a new expensive looking green-hornet car and drive off into the night. "So, honeys" Lucyette says to Peter and I, "when did ya'll get turned?".

"Um, well, I was turned by a vampire resue soldier at a concertation camp and I turned Anne a few months later when I finally found her...dieing." Peter answers.

"Oh, darlins, i'm so sorry yall had to go through dat." Lucyette says to us with tears in her eyes.

"Don't," I say "there's nothing you can do about it now, it's all in the past."

"Well I got turned by my daddy" Mary-ann cuts in "I was dying from tyfoid fever so my daddy, his name is Dracula by the way you'll meet him later, turned me." Seeing my expression, she hurridly added "I'm glad he did though if he hadn't then I wouldn't have met my mate, Bryan!" and with that said she turns back to Bryan and they gaze lovingly into each others' eyes.

I turn to Ty, who's driving and ask him " How did you get turned?"

"Well, i'm half white and half native american, the black-foot tribe. Any way the year was 1855 and I was 24. My indian name is Snake because ever since I was a boy, I've had a way with snakes. I was coming home from the black hawk war, when a raid of bandits came over and shot me repeatdly then left me for dead. But a vampire came along and changed me and in 1878 I met and fell in love with Lucyette. She got bit by a cobra and I changed her." he tells me.

"Wow." Peter says.

"So how did Bryan change?" I ask.

"Oh, Maryann and Bryan fell in at first sight the only problem was when they did Bryan's family had been killed in a car crash and he and his folks were still under the wreckage. Mary-ann dragged Bryan out and changed him. Ty explains.

"Oh okay." I say and 5 seconds later we're at the house.


Song of the day: In color

Artist: Jamey Johnson

Anne and Peter: UndeadWhere stories live. Discover now