Chapter 2 - The Guest

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"Master Kohler?" Voices in the hall call this name frantically. "Where could he be?" They question each other.
In the last room down the hall of the Kohler mansion, the silk sheets are cold and untouched, with no hint of human warmth ever touching them in the past night. One of the voices opens the door to Lukas's room, hoping to have not lost the entire household, and begins to laugh. The other servants who were searching now gather around the doorway.
On the bed lays Lukas, curled under the sheets, clutching his phone in one hand, sleeping peacefully. However, laying in the empty space beside him is the one they are looking for, on his back, each limb sprawled out in a different direction, snoring louder than a freight train. The laughter startles him.
Mathias questions, one eyed opened. The servant who found him clears his throat.
"Master Kohler, we were looking for you. Breakfast is ready."
"Hmmmmmmm. Thank ya."
The door closes, and the servants scurry to attending breakfast. The young teen stretches and rubs his eyes, now taking in where he fell asleep. He turns and shakes Lukas gently. The Norwegian awakes, glaring at him.
"It's time for breakfast."
After reviving a nod, Mathias leaves Lukas to get dressed, and goes to do the same.
"What are you boys planning to do today? Whatever it is, please keep it quiet, I've got meetings all day."
This came from the slouching man who hasn't bothered to look from around his newspaper.
"Yes sir." Tells his son, before returning to his meal of steak and eggs. Lukas is slowly twirling his fork around a tidbit of steak, his mind still on Emil. His father never got two bottles, unless there was something he really didn't want to remember, or desperately trying to forget.
"Lukas? Is everything okay?" Mathias asks in hushed tones. Again, Lukas nods. Silent.
"And here, we have an oak tree!"
Mathias gestures to the giant tree a few feet from them. He decided that for Lukas's first 'official' weekend in Denmark, he should show him the city. Copenhagen, Denmark's capital, to be exact.
"It's nice."
"Mhmmm. When I was younger, a few of my friends and I used to come here after school and hang out."
"Which friends?"
"Oh, we used to hangout all the time, but when they got together, we sort of drifted apart."
"Got together?"
"Oh, yeah! Tino and Berwald are there names, been dating for 3 years now. You've seen Berwald, he's the tall blond on our team with the glasses. The one who's always listening to ABBA with a shorter man, who waits for him on the bleachers after practice."
"Oooooooh, I remember now. Well maybe this year you guys can become close again?" This was the best advice Lukas could offer, for at his old school, everybody was friends or acquaintances with everybody, it seemed nearly impossible to grow apart.
"I doubt it, the way things ended between us. Anyway, if you'll follow me, there is more to be explored!"
The Danish teen was practically yelling, a refreshing turn from his earlier tone, thought Lukas, he hated seeing his friend forced to suppress himself. As they walked, another couple passed them. The taller of the two greeted them.
"Guten tag"
" Auf Wiendersehen"replied Mathias, waving as the couple walked by.
"I didn't know you speak German."
"Well, when you live in a city like this, you learn to pick up stuff! Ooh! Here's my favourite ice cream place! Come one Luka!"
Lukas had nearly forgotten the nickname he agreed to let the Dane to call him last night. Luka, how weird.
In a booth by the window sits the pair. Lukas has a hot fudge sundae in a bowl, while Mathias has a twist with sprinkles in a cone. The enormous grin on his face tells he is enjoying it. He eats with much less care then at breakfast, and more noise too. This draws Lukas's attention.
"Hey, Mathias?"
"Yes?" He takes another lick.
"Why arnt you like this around your father? Is he really that terrible?"
The smiles vanishes off the teen's face. Turquoise eyes fade.
"It's not that... It's just that I feel pressured. Like if I do one thing he doesn't like, he'll have my head. Like I'm suppose to be the perfect, obedient child, who isn't loud."
"Mathias, I'm sure it's not like that. You 're a great kid, any parent would be happy to have you."
Lukas wasn't stupid, he can tell there is something off between them, but it wasn't his place to say so.
"Yeah, I guess...Ready for the best park you've ever seen? That's our next destination! Well, best this side of Denmark."
Lukas nods, giving a tiny smile to please the blond across from him. At least when they were together they could be themselves, for the most part.
Lukas's bowl hits the rim of the trash can and falls in. Since the two left the ice cream shop, Mathias has had a strange look on his face, as if he were contemplating the reasoning for life itself.
"Yes, Mathias?"
"What about your father?"
Lukas's blood seems to freeze, his entire body clamming up.
"What about him?"
"Do you ever feel pressured?"
"Hard to pressure if you're not sober." This came out in a mumble.
"What was that?"
Silence cut through the two, almost dividing them. Mathias stops walking and turns to Lukas. His gaze his met with a deathly glare from icy blue eyes, daring him to go no further on the subject. He didn't.
They continued down the path in the park. Children passed laughing and dancing. Elderly strolled with aide of their walkers. A distant guitar could be heard. The world continued on.
" So um, how are you liking Denmark so far?"
"Mathias! Is that you!? Hiiii!!"
The two boys whipped their heads to face who was yelling. There on the bench sat two figures, clear as mud to see in the bright sun light. Most noticeably was the height different between them, and an outline of glasses on the taller one...
SuFin, anyone?
P.s Did you see my little reference to another Hetalia fic? It's very tiny. First one to get it gets a shout-out in the next chapter!

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