Chapter One

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Zayn is not famous in this story.


Chapter One

"Agent Malik, please report to Agent Osborne's office immediately."

The intercom clicked off as the announcer put the phone down. I sighed at pushed out of my desk chair. Weaving my way between desks and other people, I made my way to the glass elevator on the other end of the office.

"Floor 3," I told the elevator, and I was whisked upward through the headquarters.

I'm Zayn Malik, known as Agent Malik here at the British Secret Services of London. I'm currently 17, quite young for an agent, but my family has been involved with the B.S.S. for generations. The admissions officer would have been mad to not let me join.

The elevator dinged, letting me know that I'd reached my destination. I stepped out into the clean smelling hall and off towards Agent Osborne's office. Osborne is the head of all the juvenile agent at the headquarters, which is every agent between the ages of 16 and 21. She's a tight faced, scowling, old/wrinkly , and serious women, with no room for foolishness. I hate to admit it, but she scares me a little.

The door to her office opened automatically when I stepped in front of it. Osborne was at her desk, her hands clasped together and resting on a thick manila folder.

"Come in, Zayn," She commanded, and I walked over to the empty chair in front of her desk. Osborne's office was a perfect circle, overlooking the headquarters with an all glass wall. It was pretty neat, and I sometimes imagine the day I would be sitting in her place, possibly. I sunk into the chair in front of her, and slouched.

"So what's up?" I asked. Osborne clenched her jaw and scowled. As much as she terrified me, she was still fun to annoy. The old fart got on my nerves a lot. Oops, I shouldn't be saying that about my boss...

"I'll show you what's up," Osborne said, trying to control the irritation in her voice. She threw the manila folder in my direction, and I stopped it with my hands. I opened it up and flipped through the contents. It was all so confusing, and didn't make sense put together. Elizabeth Day Prep School. Murder. Serial Killer. Two-hit deaths. All left handed. Seven deaths so far. Each page made me scowl more and more, but the last page really confused me. There was a picture attached, a table piled with supplies. A long brown haired wig, makeup, some ugly, pointy framed glasses, a button up, a pair of synthetic breasts. What...?

"What's this?" I held up the sheet and the picture in front of Osborne.

"I'll tell you, but let me start from the beginning," Osborne chuckled.

"You're to go undercover as a student at an all-girls boarding school in London, Elizabeth Day Prep. Your name is Veronica Branshire, you're the daughter of a wealthy car salesman, and your hobbies include shopping, Twitter, and singing."

I cringed, but Osborne kept talking.

"You are to pose as this student until you complete your mission."

She flipped to a page in the folder, a page about the murders.

"Over the past two years, seven girls have been murdered, their throat slashed and their head bashed in. Either one of those injuries would kill, but for some reason, the killer decides to do both. Despite the murders and the potential serial killer, Elizabeth Day has the most students out of all the girls boarding schools in London. There are no leads, no suspects, and your job is to find out who the killer is."

How am I supposed to do that if I know absolutely nothing?

"You'll be living in a dorm room with another student, and you'll be expected to behave and interact like a teenage girl. Here's your ID card." Osborne handed me a plastic card with this Veronica persons info on it.

"So when do I start?" I asked.

"Tomorrow. I expect you to be ready to leave by 7am. You'll start your classes the following day," She answered. Tomorrow? Really?

"Take this folder with you, hide it well. Here's your Twitter name, it's already set up for you. The agency will give you any clues we find through code on Twitter. Use this as a tool," Osborne pushed the folder towards me and slapped a scrap of paper on top with a username written on it.


I shot a look at Osborne, who just shrugged.

"Niall came up with it," She told me.

I'd have a talk with him later....

Osborne's phone rang, and I took that as my chance to leave. I held the folder and the paper in my arm as I rose out of the chair and strode towards the glass doors.

"Oh, and Zayn?" I turned back to Osborne who was holding her hand over the end of the phone.


"Good luck."


And that was all. I quickly made my way down the hall, and I heard Osborne return to barking orders into her telephone. The elevator sensed me and its doors opened automatically, and I jammed my thumb onto the '1' button. Great. Bloody great. Why couldn't someone more feminine gotten this job? Like Louis. I wait, I probably shouldn't say anything about that.

The elevator dinged, and I stepped back out into the crowded, open office space. I passed by Niall's desk, and he looked up from where he was furiously typing away at his computer. Niall's the hacker out of the group.

"Hey Zayn!" He said cheerfully and waved at me.

"No." I shot back. Payback for that stupid Twitter username.

When I reached my desk, I threw my papers down and flopped into my chair. No way I was gonna be able to focus after having received that new mission.

Frustrated, I ran a hair through my black hair, then rested my head on my hands.

It was going to be a long year.

~Alter Ego~


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Alter Ego (Veronica/Zayn)Where stories live. Discover now