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A/N: The following are some of Elisabeth's journal entries. The first one takes place the day of the funeral. *If you're reading this and you haven't read my other story, Let Down Your Hair, this will make absolutely NO sense. So I would suggest going and reading that first. :)


July 16. 9:45 PM

I haven't written in here for awhile- a full week and a half. I only beat that once, when I was twelve and Mother grounded me from this for two weeks for being 'disrespectful' or something along those lines. Either way, I kind of have to write. There's no one left to talk to. I mean, Taylor's still here (for now- she's told me she'll be leaving sometime soon), but Jane, Ross, and Ella were gone by five this evening.

I don't feel bad about Rose anymore. I mean, I do, I miss her, and I still feel bad for what I said, but it's bearable now. I think somehow she knew I didn't mean what I said, either that or she knows now. She's somewhere, and she knows, and she doesn't want me to be sad. I don't know where she is, but when I went to church with the Kresses sometimes and with the Reids every Sunday for this past however-long-I've-been-here, they said something about heaven, which sounds like a nice place.

If anyone deserves to go there, it's Rose.

Regardless, I was standing in the woods, all happy and things, for who-knows-how-long, and everything seemed completely okay. But then life happened. The sky opened up, thunder shook the ground, and it started to pour. When I got back to the Reid's house, Jane was upset I had left, Nolan was furious at Taylor (although he wouldn't tell anyone why), Ella was crying, and James was just sitting in his chair, numb to the world. And then Jane, Ella, and Ross said goodbye to everyone, which seemed kind of odd since they were 'just going to Craig's house for a minute to get changed', and they didn't come back.

Craig found a note from them in his guest bedroom a little while later. It said something about Florida. It's funny, because it seems like every time something bad happens in the family, they just decide to leave. Me being kidnapped, Rose becoming sick for the first time, and now Rose passing away. I don't really know what I think of my older sister anymore.

So now the house is a lot quieter. It's empty. I don't like it, but I guess it was their choice. I'm tired. I should be getting to sleep. Goodnight.


July 18 2:13 PM

And then there were three. It's only James, Nolan, and I left at the house. But James is barely ever at home, and Nolan is planning to return to school as soon as the fall term starts, August 20th. Taylor was gone when we woke up this morning. Nolan threw a few things, shouted some words that Mother burned into my mind not to, and ran out the front door (giving it a long crack right down the middle) when he saw the envelope that his name was written on in Taylor's handwriting.

After James had wandered over to Craig's house without a word to me, I pulled the envelope out of the trash, opened it, and taped the few pieces together. It said something along the lines of 'I can't do it anymore', 'I'm moving far away, where you'll never find me', and 'I hope your family knows that I really do love them'. She left me a different, shorter note on the table in the bedroom I was staying. It said to contact her if I ever needed anything, but she kind of didn't leave any way to contact her... something I'm not sure if she did on purpose or not. Regardless, it was a nice gesture, I guess.


July 21 11:12 PM

I haven't been able to call any of the Kresses. They're on a road trip to... Phoenix, I think they said. They have some family down there. But Krista did send me an email, telling me to get excited for sometime soon. I don't think she- or any of them- know about Rose's passing, and I'm not really planning on telling them. Maybe in awhile.

Nolan didn't come back after he stormed out three days ago. He sent James some text about going to Vegas. Great. So now there's just the two of us, me and James, who isn't even here, for the most part. He's been spending virtually all of his time at Craig's house. It must be nice to have a sibling who you're that close with.

Josh came over with some food from his aunt, and when I told him a little bit of what was going on, he took me out for the day. I think he could tell that right now isn't a good time for romance- he just played the role of a supportive friend, which was nice. It took my mind off of things for awhile, and while we were talking, I came up with the beginnings of what I think is a decent plan (I couldn't tell him, since he could be working with Mother).

One word: suicide.

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