Chapter Nine

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School on Tuesday didn't end up happening for me, but by Tuesday evening the only super visible mark from my lovely fall was my arm, which turned out only to be my wrist, which Julie had wrapped. She suggested wearing long sleeved-shirts and long pants for the next week or two to hide the cuts and bruises that, while significantly less painful, still stood out against my skin. I agreed.

"So you're all better?" Timmy asked after dinner as I sat on the couch and he read me a book. It was moving very slowly since he couldn't actually read and was just making up an elaborate story that kind of went along with the pictures. Kind of.

"Well..." I held up my left arm, only slightly wincing. "Other than this, yes." It was half the truth. I was slowly getting used to the idea that I had forgotten a lot and would probably never have the chance to find out about my past. The only people I could ask were in Texas, as far as I knew, and if I were to talk to them, ever, Julie would almost certainly get into trouble and I would have to leave this new family of mine forever. No, thank you.

"Rose? You're all ready for school tomorrow, right?" Julie asked, taking a seat and hoisting Timmy onto her lap.

"I think so," I said.

Julie studied me for a second or two. "Timmy," she said, bouncing him once on her legs, "why don't you go upstairs and get on your pajamas? Ask one of your brothers to help you."

"OK Mommy," Timmy replied, slipping off of her lap and running upstairs.

Julie turned to me. "You're actually okay?" she asked suspiciously. "You're smart, if you feel like you need to miss another day I'm sure you'll have it made up by the end of the week."

"I'm fine," I assured her.

"Really." Julie crossed her arms and leaned back on the couch.

"Really," I repeated, pulling a smile onto my face. "I'm actually going to head upstairs and get to bed too now," I said calmly, dismissing myself before I could reveal what had been at the front of my mind for the past 48 hours. "Is there anything you need me to do before tomorrow?" I asked.

Julie smiled back, a real smile. She had smile lines, I noticed. "No, you're good. Thanks, Rose."

"Goodnight," I said, standing up.

"Night. Make sure Damian and Miguel have their lights out before you turn in, will you?"

I nodded and went upstairs. After washing my face and putting on a pair of sweats and a t-shirt I made my way over to the room that Damian and Miguel shared. The door was open- doors were always open in this house. Julie's bedroom was at the top of the stairs and she didn't go down the hallway unless she absolutely had to. My bedroom was a few doors down the hallway so I got the full effects of living in a house with six boys.

Max and Steven had begun changing in the bathroom with the door closed for my sake, thank goodness, but Aleck's room didn't even have a door. I'd seen more naked little boys streaking down the hallway than I wanted to in my lifetime. I tentatively peeked around the corner of Damian and Miguel's room to make sure there wasn't anything going on that I didn't want to see.

From my spot in the doorway I couldn't see anyone at all and so walked in further. Where are th-

"Attack!" screeched a chorus of little boys' voices. Suddenly foam pellets were hitting me in the face. "Guys! Guys!" I shielded myself with my right, uninjured, arm, laughing. "I surrender!"

The rain slowly ceased and I opened my eyes. "I just wanted to say-"

One last bullet hit me, right in the forehead. Aleck kept his gun up shamelessly, grinning. I gave him a look. "Julie wants lights out," I told the three. "Aleck, you need to get into your room before Timmy falls asleep."

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