How you meet Amethyst

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Amethyst was walking to the big donut to get, well, donuts. As she got closer to the store she walked passed a small alleyway. For some strange reason Amethyst felt the need to check it out. And Amethyst knows to never doubt her gut feeling. So being Amethyst she went to to see what was in the alley. As she looked around the small alley she hears a small whine. "What the?" The young gem says quietly. Not sure if it was a trap or not she summoned her whip and stood still. *Sniffles* There! Behind the garbage cans. As Amethyst creeps closer to see what it is she hears the sounds getting louder. Whip in hand she quickly throws the garbage cans to the side and what she finds......... is a little baby?! "What the actual fudge?" Amethyst says confused." Why the home world is a kid in the garbage?" Looking closer at the child she can see it's covered in filth so she can't see their skin color to well. But the child's hair isn't that bad. She can see that the baby has brownish colored hair, that could just be dirt who knows. The infant is very tiny and is wrapped in a very large gray blanket.
The baby had stopped complaining and opened its eyes. They were a very pretty shade of brown." Dang little thing you have some pretty little eyes!" *Giggles* " And the cutest laugh!" Amethyst said out loud." Well I can't just leave you here in the trash, maybe Garnet will let you stay with us" Amethyst said to herself. *You laugh * " I will take that as a you want to come." Amethyst replied. So picking you up from the pile of trash, Amethyst carried you home abandoning the trip to the Big Donut.

Two updates in two days! New record! WOOOOO!!!! Any way let me know what you think. Any new ideas or suggestions will be awesome. I also know this is a daughter scenario book but I don't see a lot of stories with the kid being a boy. Should I have one of the kids be a boy or no if it's a yes then witch gem should have a son. Let me know in the comments! Chow!

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