chapter 4

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"I wanted to know if you would go out with me on Friday?" WHAT THE WHAT!!???? IS HE FREAKING CRAZY!!!?? I had to calm myself down before I answered

"Uhm no" I replied and looked at him like he was crazy, I noticed that took him by surprise, he must not be used to being told 'no'

"Wait, what? Why?" he asked

"Because your a player and a jerk" I answered really fast and walked away.

after school was over I noticed Cory was in two classes of mine and the whole time we made jokes at each other.

I was waiting outside for my dad and noticed he's thirty minutes late

"he forgot again" I muttered. I started walking when I saw a car pull beside me and saw that it was Charlie, he's my chemistry partner

"hey tori, what are you still doing here?" Charlie asked through his window

"My dad was supposed to pick me up, But I guess he forgot" I answered a little disappointed

"Do you want a ride?" he said with a smile

"If you don't mind, than that would be awesome" I answered thankful

"Why would I mind? haha get in" I got in his black range rover

"Thank you" I said with a smile

"No problem babe" he said with a smirk

"Please don't call me that" I said truthfully

"Sorry" he muttered

after a long awkward silence I finally saw my house

"It's the small white one" I informed Charlie, He pulled in front of it

" Thanks for the ride" I said as I stepped out of the car

"No problem" he smiled sweetly and drove off.

I was walking toward the house and I noticed my dads car "He's Home, so he did forget me" I thought as I walked through the door.

The house smelt like different alcoholic beverages and I kinda got a little frightened, But quickly composed myself because I don't like to show fear.

Ever since my mom died three years ago, My dad started drinking a lot and when he does he gets violent, He never says it but even though he has my step mom Amber, He misses mom and I guess this is how he deals with it.

I saw my dad watching T.V in the living room "Hey daddy, I'm home" I said trying to sound happy

"Where the hell have you been?" he spat, which made me very angry

"Waiting on you" I said with a straight face, My dad jumped off the couch and grabbed me by the neck

" Don't you dare get smart with me little girl" he spat

I thought for a second and then got the courage "so telling the truth is smart now?" I asked and then he slammed me into the wall with a lot of force

everything went black.....

After nothing but complete darkness, I opened my eye's and I was in my room

"How did I get here?" I thought as I was looking around the room and remembered what happened before it all went black. Tears threatened to fall but I was not gonna let that happen. I got up off my bed and wen't into the hall bathroom, To look in the mirror and I had a bruise at the right corner of my fore head. The bruise had a purplish/blackish color to it, I covered it up with makeup and walked down stairs.

I saw dad passed out on the couch and I shook my head in disappointment.

After watching a little T.V, I looked up at the clock and saw it was six o'clock "Time to go eat supper" I thought as I put my shoes on to go over to Cory's house, He live's next store and we have this thing that we do. He come's to my house to eat breakfast every morning and I go to his house for supper every night on week day's.

I walked up to his door and knocked on it

"Hey tori" Cory's mom greeted me with a warm hug and smile

"Hey miss Sarah" I said as I stepped in the house

okay so you guys should know Cory's dad left when he was nine and his sister Abbi was seven. It was hard for them and I stayed with Cory for a week until he was okay. Cory is very protective over his mom and sister and I think it's just adorable.

I saw Abbi sitting in the chair reading a book ( BTW encase I didn't mention, Abbi is sixteen like me)

"Hey abs" I said with a wave

"Hey tor" she replied while she only looked up from her book long enough to say that

"Cory is up in his room, If you want to go up there" Miss Sarah called from the kitchen

"okay" I replied as I walked up the stairs. When I got to Cory's door I just opened it and he was asleep on his bed. I snuck over and sat down beside him, As soon as my butt touched the bed he opened his eye's

"Hey Corybear" I said with a smile

"Hey toribear" He said sleepily and put up his arm, As in telling me to lay with him and I did

"I love you toribear" He said as he played with my hair and that made me smile

"I love you too" I replied truthfully

"You should spend the night, You haven't in a while" Cory said yawning

I chuckled "I know right, You think you're mom would mind?" I asked

Cory looked at me with the 'are you serious' look " When has she ever" Cory said

"I guess your right" I said laughing

and then we heard Abbi calling us for dinner and we headed down stairs. We all sat at the table and started eating some corn chowder

"This is soooo good" I moaned with a mouth full of food

"Thanks sweetie" miss Sarah replied with a smile

"so mom" Cory said

"So Cory" miss Sarah said knowing he wanted something

"Can tori stay tonight?" asked Cory

"I don't care" she said laughing

"You didn't even have to ask" she said smiling at me

After we finished eating, We all watched some T.V, Until miss Sarah spoke

"I'm gonna go do the dishes" she stated

"no, You cooked. Me,Abbi and Cory can do them" I said getting up and Abbi followed

"speak for You're self" Cory said putting his feet up on the small table, I narrowed my eye's at him

"Get off you're lazy butt,because you are going to help" I stated

"no" he replied with an amused look

"Don't make me grab your ear" I shot at him, Knowing he is sensitive about his ear's

"okay,okay. Geez woman, I was just messing with you. Ain't got to get all violent" he stated and I laughed.


hope you guys like it :)

vote/comment and tell me what you think.

FearlessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora