chapter 8

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When we walked in the movie theater, Charlie took my hand in his and I have to admit it felt strange, But I think I like it

We walked up to the box office and saw a girl who looked about our age maybe older?

"What do you guys wanna see today?" she asked

"two tickets for 'the conjuring' please" Charlie said with a smile and started taking out money

"I can pay for mine" I stated while pulling some money out, Only to be stopped by Charlie

"I got it tori, it's fine" he said waving off my money

"thanks" I said with a smile and we walked to the snack counter and got some popcorn and one large slushy, which Charlie insisted on paying for! I mean it's sweet and all, But I don't like things just given to me. We saw everybody else standing at the entrance of the room where the movie was playing and Cory looked down and saw mine and Charlie's hands together and I couldn't pin point his facial expression, But I definitely wasn't use to it.

We were whatching the movie and everybody was screaming and jumping, we were all quiet and all up into the movie when it showed this demon looking thing jumping off of the top of this closet looking thing and I jumped, While everyone else screamed. After the movie was over we were walking in the parking lot

"That was the scariest thing I have ever seen!" Layla exclamed

"I know. I thought you were gonna ripp my arm off!" Cody said rubbing his arm and laughing

"Sorry" Layla muttered while tring to hide her blush

"It's fine, I would rather it be my arm than somebody else's" Cody said while putting his arm around her. Me and Abbi looked at each other with the 'Did that just happen' Look and than we laughed and Cory and Samantha gave us a strange look, Charlie just started laughing with us, I guess he saw Abbi and I

"If it's okay with you, I would like to take you home" Charlie sort of asked me

"Yeah that would be nice. I'm gonna go tell Cory" I told Charlie while walking away from him and he was going ahead to his car

"Cory, Charlie is going to give me a ride home. Alright?" I asked Cory right before he got in the truck

"Uh okay, Bye" He said and than shut the door. Did I do something wrong? No, Oh I'm gonna ask him about this later.

While on my way home, I looked over at Charlie and smiled to myself and quickly looked away so he didn't notice, I don't think I ever liked someone this fast before, there's something about him that just makes me really happy.....

"So, Did you like the movie?" Charlie asked

"Yeah it was alright, not as scary as everyone made it out to be" I answered with my opinion

"I know right. Tori can I ask you something? " Charlie asked as we pulled into my drive way

"yeah,sure" I said walking up to my front door and him following me

"Can I have your number?" he asked a little nervous. Awww that's so cute he's nervous to ask for my number

"Of course" I answered with a smile and we exchanged numbers and said our goodbyes and one quick hug and I was in the house.


so kinda short, but it's really difficult to write a story and worry about school at the same time

sorry for any mistakes


tell me what you think?


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