Chapter 1: First Encounter

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This kind of story doesn't deal with s*x in a way that is offensive. It doesn't contain any drama too.

And also this is my first fanfiction or should I say my very first book so I hope you guys will appreciate it.

I've been thinking before if I should really write this book but fortunately I had finally convinced myself. And I love Zayn, he is the one who really inspires me.

Also: No mean and nasty comments. Just bear this in mind that you don't have the right to criticize my work.

So here it is. Please ENJOY!


He ambled towards me showing his guts to serenade as he was holding his brown guitar.

I had been staring at his mysterious disguise finding just a half hint indication to recognize his very endearing looks. His brown hazel eyes suddenly focused on my dark brown ones.

He smiled widely showing his pearly whites and small crinkles that I truly found so cute of him. In return, I just gave him a shy beam because I didn't want to be rude.

My hands were already trembling and sweaty and I didn't exactly know the reason why. I promptly hid my hands behind my back in order for him not to notice my dumb actions considering that I really didn't want this moment to be ruined.

He ran his fingers through his raven and perfect quiffed hair which helped him to look ten times hotter.

His unknown yet attractive face was literally killing me inside but in a good way. I mean, could you blame me? He seemed so amicable and If I were just being honest, I had never seen a guy prettier and hotter than him.

I looked at his plumped and pink bottom lip as he finally spoke.

"Hi!" He said whilst he waved his left hand slightly, still plastering his dazzling smile.

"Um... Hi!" I managed to respond with a stutter. Why was I acting so dumb?

He took a glance at his guitar and began to stream. I patiently waited to recognize the song or tune that he was performing in front of me. But fortunately, I recognized it immediately.

I want to write you a song

One as beautiful as

You are sweet with just

A hint of pain

This guy was indeed giving me such pain. Everything about him seemed so perfect even his voice. He played one of my favorite songs to soothe me without so much effort. He was driving me insane every move he was doing, and I just wish this floor that I was stepping could swallow me up so that he will not notice me cringing in front of him.

I was wondering of what other special abilities he had because as far as I'm concerned he was the total package a girl could ask for. I found myself admiring the way he made me feel comfortable around him and most especially the way he made me feel so beautiful. He was the first guy who made me feel special just by serenading me.

I didn't exactly know why he was serenading me, I mean I was just a typical girl who wore eyeglasses, not the type of a girl who wore slutty clothes, make up and high-heels, in short people used to say that I looked like a nerd and a complete dork but I didn't really care and take it seriously.

Everything I need I get from you

Givin' back is all I wanna do

Everything I need I get from you

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