Chapter 3: An hour with him

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>>>Zayn's POV <<<

The slight annoyance that I was feeling right now made me want to return back at my flat where I could likely spend the night laying and taking a nap on my soft and comfy bed.

I really wanted to leave. I can't say that I hated parties, but unfortunately I was not in my proper mood to even have a little fun.

In fact, Harry just persuaded me and I didn't exactly want him to be mad at me.

I was currently sitting alone in the kitchen where I could barely hear the obnoxious music.

I could slightly see sweaty bodies dancing and swirling around as they simultaneously lifted their hands in the air like they didn't care.

I grabbed the champagne that was placed not far away from me and  slowly sipped it. It tasted good if I had to admit it.

Once I poured it all in my mouth, I grabbed another shot. I just can't resist myself of being addicted to this kind of alcoholic beverage.

Whilst I was drinking, an idea abruptly hit my mind; Liam. Perhaps it would be more enjoyable if I had a company.

I had spotted him earlier so it would be better if I would look for him. I hopped off from my chair and hastily sipped the remaining champagne.

I tapped my pocket and pulled out my phone to send a message to him.

To: Liam

Dude, where are you right now?

I had been waiting patiently for a response as I abruptly felt someone bump into me.

She fell to the ground so I immediately grasped her arm for her to be able to stand up.

"I'm very so--" I paused. I knew her.


>>>Skye's POV<<<

"Oh." I responded shortly with a stutter as I gave him a fake smile.

I immediately stood up as he held my arm carefully. My stomach tingled when his hand suddenly touched my fragile skin. His touch always gave me goose bumps.

"Are you okay?" Zayn asked as he gazed into my orbs with a worried face.

"Yeah I'm fine." I lied and gave him a reassuring beam. If I were just being honest it really hurt so I just pretended to be alright in order for him not to be worried. "Thanks."

"Anyway...Um..." He spoke again as he gave me a concerned look. "Let's get out of here, the music is so loud."

I found myself nodding as Zayn led me to the near bench outside where I could only see few teenagers having a conversation with each other. The blasting music didn't bother me at all.

Once I found myself sitting comfortably, I held my gaze at Zayn who was staring at the ground whilst scratching the back of his neck. I cleared my throat slightly to catch his attention. Then, he looked at me awkwardly as he curved his lips into a genuine smile.

"I just want to apolog---"

"It's ok." I cut him off as I chuckled a bit. I saw him nodding and chortling slightly. I knew he didn't mean it.

"What brought you here?" He questioned me before he bit his bottom lip. "I mean, erm would you mind telling me?"

"My bestfriend just convinced me to be here." I responded and chuckled a bit. "She wants me to accompany her."

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