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-Edwards pov-

I sat in the small empty coffee shop, taking small sips of the nice coffee I had just ordered. I was still thinking about my mission to finally find love to find the one I really need, to bring me back together. I knew this was going to be difficult.

"Sir" I heard a polite voice say as she taped my shoulder. "Hmm?" I questioned turning around to a beautiful girl. She looked so much like Leah. She had bright blue eyes and beautiful light brown hair, kinda blonde looking, she was wearing a simple shirt with the works name and logo on it. She was wearing skinny jeans and some winter boots, she was so much like Leah it wasn't even funny. "Do you need anything?" She smiled holding out her notebook and pen.

"Yeah" I smiled back. "Can you come over here?" I said moving my hand motioning for her to come over to me. "Yeah sure" She smiled talking over to me, setting her pen and notebook by my coffee.

I grabbed her waist and pulled her onto my lap, kissing her. im not sure what I was doing, but it just felt so right. She didn't kiss back she just left her lips on mine. Her lips felt just like Leahs, maybe a little better. They were soft and she was wearing chap stick, which I loved.

Our lips fit perfect together, like we were ment to be. Wait..I don't even know her name. I pulled away and looked at her name tag seeing. 'Mary' Her name was Mary. I smiled at her and she blushed, looking down at her legs. I chuckled at how adorable she was being, god I already loved her, obviously not like love love because that's ment for someone you truly know deeply that you actually love them. And I would love to love Mary someday.

"Mary, would you like to go on a date?" I asked grabbing her small hand in my large one. She bit her lip in thought and squeezed my hand, giving me a nod saying yes.

I grinned and lifted her chin up, so she was looking me in the eyes. Her blue eyes were something I couldn't describe. We just sat there stareing into each others eyes, feeling the butterflies in my stomach. Everytime she blinked her long dark eyelashes covered her beautiful blue eyes. Then she would open them again and just send all those butterflies crazy.

"Mary!" I heard a faint voice yell. She jumped up grabbing her pen and notebook. "Coming!" she yelled back, then she smiled at me. "Ill see you later tonight at 7" She grinned walking through a door to the back of the coffee shop. I smiled and stood up, picking up my warm coffee, walking outside of the small little coffee shop.

-Louis pov-

I started the coffee pot, looking at Marcel as he looked through his mail, sitting at the table. He looked so adorable, he pushed his glasses up and sighed leaning in his seat, looking up at me. I smiled at him and he faintly smiled back, clearly having something on his mind.

I walked up behind him, wrapping my arms around his neck, placing my head at the crook of his neck. "Hey Marce" I said placing kisses to his neck, feeling him tense a bit. "Relax babe" I smiled, still kissing his neck and some of his shoulder. "Sorry" He chuckled "Hey Louis" He smiled taking off his glasses and setting them on the table as he rubbed his tired eyes. You figured for it being 10 in the morning he wouldnt be that tired. I chuckled and kissed his sweet spot, lightly nibbling on it as he stop rubbing his eyes letting out a throaty moan.

"Louis Tomlinson" He smirked, pushing my head away from his neck. I gave him an innocent smile and let him turn around so he was facing me. "Marcel Styles" I grinned, leaning down so I could kiss him, but he pushed me away once again. "What do you think you're doing?" He chuckled. I furrowed my brows in confusion and he stood up in front of me. "You look a bit confused" I Looked at him shaking my head.Hrs chuckled and picked me up grabbing my bum. He sat me on the table and kissed me.

I kissed back as he pushed me onto my back, climbing over me. We weren't gonna have sex on a kitchen table are we?

He slid his hands up my shirt, pulling it over my head. I did the same to his as his hands roamed my chest. His hand slid down to my pants, unbuttoning them as our lips moved in sync.

"Whoa!" I heard someone scream. I pushed Marcel away from my face and looked over at Edward who looked like he just saw a ghost. Marcel just laughed and climbed off the table, grabbing our shirts.

I slid off the table and buttoned my pants, sending a small smile to Edward.

"You're lucky I wasn't mom, she would of been furious! especially since its her kitchen table!" Edward chuckled as Marcel glared at him. I chuckled, slightly embarrassed, from this.

"Moms out of town for the week" Marcel said tapping Edwards nose as Edward just slapped his hand away. "Well if you excuse me, I have a date to get ready for" Edward said walking out of the kitchen. Marcel looked completely shocked to what his brother just said. "What?" I said looking at Marcel. "Edward hasn't been on a date since his wife and daughter died" Marcel said clearly very confused. I just stood there looking at Marcel as he walked out of the room towards Edward.

-Shelbys pov-

I pulled on my shorts and looked over at the sleeping Harry, I don't know how he was still sleeping. Its so bright in here.

I picked up my brush and brushed through my hair before pulling it into a messy bun. I walked over to my bag and dug through it looking for my makeup. I really needed makeup, I felt so lost without it.

I found the familiar bag and walked to the bathroom, applying the make up quickly, before putting the makeup bag away and walking over to Harry. I sat on his bed and played with his curls. "Harry, babe wake up" I smiled, still playing with his hair. He groaned and slowly opened his eyes giving me a tired grin. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to him. "Harry" I giggled as he rested my head on my chest. He smelt good like he always did. That was something I loved about him. He smelt so good all the time and I loved it.

"Shelby" He chuckled kissing the top of my head. "Harry, please get up, I wanna leave" I whined poking his dimples. He eyes shot open and he looked at me. "We can leave?" He smiled sitting up, bringing me with him. "Yes" I laughed as he jumped out of bed, pulling on hid clothes. "Finally!" He said kissing me.

I shook my head and watched him get ready as i stood there holding my stuff. He picked up his stuff and walked to me grabbing my hand. We walked out of our room and to the front desk signing out.

-Edwards pov-

I arrived at the coffee shop exactly at 7. I walked into the coffee shop, smelling the familiar scent of the coffee roasting. I looked around at the tables, seeing the shop was empty, which was usually when I was here.

"Edward!" I heard Marys familiar name call as she walked through the door and up to me, embracing me in a tight hug. "Hello Mary" I smiled, kissing her cheek as a slight blush appeared on her cheeks.

"Well where are you taking me for our date?" She grinned as we walked out to my car. "Some where fun" I smiled opening the car door for her.

She got in and smiled that beautiful smile before I closed the door.

I think I finally was finding love again.

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